SYD:more on Old Road

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. From the MCC delegates list, a followup on the previous story. From stuff
    said in the MCC meeting it looks like the journo who wrote the original
    story is now digging about looking for info on the safety audit and
    other stories surrounding this. Including the identity of the "Peats
    Ridge Action Group" which some of you may remember, and which is utterly
    unknown to everyone except the people saying they put the speed limit
    in place because that group asked for it.

    Note also that the bit about turning bays *was* heard by someone at
    the committee meeting and has been seen in documents. They didn't get
    the funding doesn't mean they didn't ask!

    Note the bit about the letters page with some residents saying the
    speed limit is unreasonable. Anyone able to scan that?

    Front page of the Central Coast Express Advocate
    L to R
    MCC of NSW Delegates: Brian Wood (Chairman, Safety Committee, Sean Hawley
    (Safety Committee), Clinton Hayes (Vice-Chairman), Guy Stanford (Chairman)

    Those able to read a copy of the paper will find a further explanatory
    article not available on the web, as well as some letters from locals,
    pointing out that "speeding motorcycles" is only a small part of problems
    up there and that they feel the reduced speed limit is unreasonable.

    This follows a response to last weeks article. last weeks article here:-

    Here, it appears the Police felt confident they were going to get the
    Black Spot funding for speed pursuit alone.

    Not one mention of crashes.

    The crash problem is to do with the road quality or Black Spot problems
    (see definition below) at a few curves with dips or whoopsies and
    misalignments or reducing radius curves. The interaction of riders
    displaying poor judgement or skill with a point on the road that requires
    a sudden and higher level of skill leads to crashes and injuries and

    The road needs fixing. This will directly deal with the road toll and
    reduce injury through reducing crashes. Concurrently, it requires riders
    to improve their judgement, their perceptions of risky spots and limits
    of the road and their own ability.

    This requires a more complex solution, which includes co-operation,
    information dissemination and a credibile framework.

    We don't need dumb policing where speed is the feature of a low-grade
    movie that has lost the plot.

    This latest release is from the same crew that put exhaust stickers on
    the agenda as an "Old Road Tax".

    The first article makes it appear that the Police were bullying the RTA
    and Council, to grab the road funds for their own agenda or story line.
    That would be corrupt.

    The funds are for road engineering improvements to reduce crashes.

    That is what we are standing up for. Even if we can't get the other
    half of co-operation.

    This is developing into an "Us and Them" situation that may become


    "The Black Spot 1999-2002 - An Evaluation of the First Three Years" -
    Bureau of Transport Economics, Report 104, Commonwealth of Australia 2001

    In Chapter 1, under the heading of "Causes of Road Crashes", the above
    report contains the following passage.

    "One crash causation model suggests that drivers' performance level
    varies with time because of factors such as lack of concentration,
    fatigue, drowsiness and illness. The demands of the road environment
    vary due to factors such as traffic flow rates, geometric features of
    the road and type of road. Drivers normally adapt their performance
    level to the demands of the road system. A crash occurs when the drivers'
    performance level is insufficient to meet the performance demands of the
    road environment. Most of the time, driver capabilities exceed performance
    demands. Black Spots are points of peak performance demand. Engineering
    improvements in the road network lower the performance demands on the
    driver. This increases the safety margin between the driver's performance
    level and the performance level demands of the road environment, and
    reduces the probability of a crash."

    Now, replace "driver" with "rider" in the above passage and read it again.

    This gives a good picture of the purpose of funds for "black spot
    programs", that they are engineering improvements to improve safety at
    specific sites that have a known crash history.
    Zebee Johnstone, Aug 9, 2006
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    Richard Guest

    Interestingly the "other" bike road, Royal national Park, seems to be
    getting fixed as we speak. Beautiful smooth hotmix is being layed from the
    Stanwell Tops end.
    Richard, Aug 9, 2006
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    Big Bird Guest

    about bloody time.
    Big Bird, Aug 10, 2006
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