[QUOTE="sweller"] My understanding is the Lasers don't need a reflector in the same way radars do and that type of Laser is good for 2km and is, apparently, easy to get a lock on a relatively small target e.g. me on an unfaired Guzzi. When I saw the unmarked car I'd just overtaken a phalanx of holiday cars; still in fourth and accelerating; so 98 is about right. There is a chink in the armour which I need to look into. Not holding out a great deal of hope mind so damage limitation is order of the day.[/QUOTE] Umm the laser does need to be reflected to measure the speed! that's why plod aims at the number plate on cages. It's always worth fighting. I've been endorsement free for over 15 years, they've had me in court often enough though and I've beaten two gatso tickets. It's a war.