SV650S exhaust

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by SoloBabe, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. SoloBabe

    SoloBabe Guest

    Hi hoping someone out there can help me.

    i am replacing the exhaust clamp which has rusted. It is the clamp
    connecting the exhaust coming from the engine to the bit which joins
    with the Y section. Sorry for the stupid description. Prob is - i
    have taken off most of the old clamp - skinned knuckles n all - but
    there is one piece left. It looks to have a screw innit or at least a
    rounded bit still attaching itself to the exhaust. Dont know whither
    just to take a hammer n screwdriver to it and chisel it off - or what.

    Can anyone help - this is one hacked off bird trying to do something
    soo easy, but its freaking me out.

    SV650S K2
    silver dream machine
    SoloBabe, Apr 1, 2005
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  2. SoloBabe

    Lozzo Guest

    SoloBabe says...
    What does the new clamp look like£ Is there a corresponding round piece
    or screw attached to that?

    Before you go hacking lumps out of your bike you'll need to know if that
    bit is there for a reason. Personally I'd use a Dremel rather than a
    chisel to shift anything like that.
    Lozzo, Apr 1, 2005
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  3. SoloBabe

    Mo Childs Guest

    Can't say it's something I've tried myself but this lot are pretty helpful
    about all things SV650
    Mo Childs, Apr 1, 2005

  4. Angle grinder
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 1, 2005
  5. SoloBabe

    jsp Guest

    I've just been outside and have a little fiddle, although it was dark so
    I couldn't see.

    It seems to be that they've done the same on this as they did on the
    Bandit, which means that the clip is actually welded to the exhaust at
    the back.

    What I did then was to break it off as close as I could (a liitle bit of
    hacksaw and a lot of twisting, then flattened the remnants as best I
    could. The new clip was then tightened in place over this.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Apr 1, 2005
  6. SoloBabe

    Muck Guest

    My Bandits clip went to bits and the end of the collector box fell off,
    so I had a new stainless steel end welded on and used a car exhaust

    Now, the pipe that goes into the collector box off the end can is
    falling off.
    Muck, Apr 1, 2005
  7. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    drugs began to take hold. I remember (SoloBabe)
    saying something like:
    In some cases the old clamp might actually be part of the casing of the
    silencer or in this instance part of the pipe or might seem that way if
    it's been there for years. Only way to tell is to closely examine it and
    see if it's been welded on, or if its removal won't affect the strength
    of the pipe/silencer. If so, feel free to grind the fucker off and
    replace it with a decent clamp.

    Why aren't you in the kitchen making the tea?
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Apr 1, 2005
  8. SoloBabe

    muddycat Guest

    The clamp is spot welded to the tube at the bottom. It might pop off if
    hit just right, but an angle grinder would be a better choice.
    muddycat, Apr 2, 2005
  9. SoloBabe

    SoloBabe Guest

    lol Just as well i can make tea better than fixin bikes! Thanks for
    all the replys - i will have a look at the exhaust later today.

    although not having an angle grinder might not be a bad idea! if i
    had one yesterday - the Chainsaw Massacre - would have been wee buns.

    BTW I passed my test in Dec04 and bought this bike. Over here in NI
    there is no CBT or DAS - just take some lessons on a 125cc - pass test
    - and then buy anything so long as it is restricted to 33bhp! Bit
    mad but that the way it is for now! That was the scariest day getting
    on the 650 the day after it was delivered - the sound of it was
    enought to strike fear into a heart already doing 7000 rmp. SFSG
    working out ok - in fact the bike is brilliant - even if i am a bit
    dim when it comes to doing any 'fixin'. Just gotta learn. I would
    post a pic of it if i knew how.

    Gotta get a 10mm spanner to get lower fairing off to get at it a bit
    easier, and of course all the nuts have rusted at the bottome of the
    fairing and they are turning with the nut - snags... always snags...

    ty :)

    SV650S K2
    silver dream machine
    SoloBabe, Apr 2, 2005
  10. SoloBabe

    Muck Guest

    Heh.. you don't want to have a go on a FZR250RR then. :)
    Muck, Apr 2, 2005
  11. SoloBabe

    Muck Guest

    I rotated mine around where the spot weld was, and it fell off. Only
    needed a little cleaning up with a Dremmel after that.
    Muck, Apr 2, 2005
  12. SoloBabe

    SoloBabe Guest

    Ahhh such a kind offer but i will decline. I like the growl of my SV.

    SoloBabe, Apr 2, 2005
  13. SoloBabe

    SoloBabe Guest

    Yeah! - success. The angle grinder is now my friend. New clamp
    fitted. The lower fairing bolts were not for giving in easily - one
    squeeled so much i decided to leave it alone, but I got the fairing
    released enough to let the AG do its work. Out on the road tomorrow
    for the NI Hospice ride.
    SoloBabe, Apr 2, 2005
  14. SoloBabe

    muddycat Guest

    Growl? From the stock system? Bwahahahahah, more like an angry sewing

    Your ladyship needs a Yoshimura RS-3, now that's a growl.


    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, Apr 3, 2005
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