My wife has a 1983 Suzuki GS650G that has started leaking oil like a seive. It seems to be coming from around the cover on the overhead valves. We purchased this bike for her about 6 weeks ago, & it was as clean & dry as I've seen for an older bike. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this type of bike, so I could start troubleshooting before my Clymer manual arrives in a couple of days. She drives it about 50 miles per day, & doesn't want to go back to driving a car to & from work. This is #1 for Saturday's "honey do" list. I'm fairly new to working on bikes, but have owned my own lawnmower repair shop for several years, so I should be able to catch on pretty quickly. Any help getting me jump started on solving this issue is greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks Brian