Suzuki K11 Sport 80

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by the.tall.hobbit, May 24, 2004.

  1. Hello there

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a rough guide to the value of a garage
    stored 1965 Suzuki K11.

    The owner has recently been taken ill and has decided that after 25 years or
    so of storage, it is time to let it go.

    All I know about it is that it has an 80cc 2-stroke engine, and is exactly
    as it was when it got put away.

    Any ideas/possible buyers/valuations etc?
    the.tall.hobbit, May 24, 2004
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  2. the.tall.hobbit

    Sean at work Guest

    One of these?

    Suggest contacting the Suzuki owners club in the first instance.
    Sean at work, May 25, 2004
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  3. the.tall.hobbit, May 25, 2004
  4. the.tall.hobbit

    TEAL'c Guest

    you mean it didnt grow into a 100cc
    TEAL'c, May 26, 2004

  5. Depeneds entirely on condition. There have been a couple on Ebay
    recently, selling for ukp500-750.
    The Older Gentleman, May 26, 2004
  6. the.tall.hobbit

    Sean Guest

    the.tall.hobbit let forth with a mighty belch and uttered :
    You may want to have a peek at some of the yahoo groups for classic jap
    bikes and classic suzukis.[1]

    Join a few, introduce yourself and get some advice from them. The flippant
    answer is its worth what you'll get for it. However, an unrestored original
    may well be worth a lot more to a collector, who may not scour ebay.

    Anyways, if you cleaned it up, took a few piccies and posted them or links
    to them in a few relevant groups you may get a buyer.


    [1]I've not searched the available groups. There may be a generic classic
    jap as well as a classic suzuki group.
    Sean, May 27, 2004
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