Last week, after a 20 year hiatus, I got back on a 2 wheeler; bought a 1983 Suzuki GS400E. Two days into ownership I noticed gas pouring from one of the carburetor breathing/overflow tubes (on the right) & the bike did not want to start. When it finally did (start), foam came from the the oil dipstick hole. I shut off the engine & discovered that the crankcase/gearbox was full of gasoline. Drained everything and assumed that something made the carbs over-flow and drain into the crankase. (I am worried about a complex looking tank valve which seemed to be connected to the manifold, but I have been unable to get solid info on what this contraptopn does, how it does it do it, and could it be fixed?) I have replaced the carb carb valves, but have been unable to get data on how to set (& to what value) the carb carb. Apparently the "E" model was not shipped to the US thus all the manuals (Clymer & Hayes) show a different carburator. I suspect mine are Mikuni Mikuni34SS carbs, but cannot tell for sure (does anyone know?) I also have difficulty in figuring out how the choke activating mechanism (& thotle throttle) fit together (should have taken a photo, but did not…) If anyone knows how/where to find a schematic on the carb, carb hight (height where is it measured), information or suggeston on the strange gas tap, or ideas of what went wrong (& how to fix it beyond replacing float vales) I would greatly appreciate it.