[QUOTE="Donegal Paul"] *heh* What about Wolverine? wasnt he a military experiment or summat? Granted though, out of all the superheroes he's the only one that springs to mind.[/QUOTE] Wolverine, aka Logan, was always a mutant - his healing factor and extremely sharp senses were ingrained in his DNA. The healing ability merely made the (Canadian?) government's WeaponX programme possible, whereby the adamantium alloy was fused on to his skeleton. ISTR that the retractable claws, although only emerging once the adamantium had been applied, later turned out to be based on his own mutated bone structure. Logan is somewhere around 200 years old, as his healing factor (which also counteracts almost all known pathogens) at least slows down his ageing process, if not stopping it altogether, and as a result may be effectively immortal. Wolverine is not the only product of the WeaponX programme.