My arse. It's pissing down and cold. -- Paul. CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird (Buen mueble de patio) BOTAFOT #4 BOTAFOF #30 MRO #24 OMF #15 UKRMMA #30
22° C this morning at ten am as I walked past the chemist's shop down on the avenue de Clichy. I see very little debate in the French media, as to whether anyone actually considers these temperatures 'normal'. They've got more important stuff to do, anyway. Whether an incompetent feminist or a pyschotic Eastern European dwarf, get to govern us for the next five years, for starters. D.
A loverly day here in Sunny Essex. I even took off me shirt and caught some rays. Could do with a bit of rain mind, for the flowers and stuff.
Paul Carmichael came into sight through the beans and said Could do with some of the wet stuff on my peas, looking a tad forlorn a the mo. Any chance you could persuade some rain to the Solent?
At least yours have sprouted. No peas, no cabbage, no lettuce, only carrots here. get the watering can out you lazy git.
I am not growing peas again this year, I have a mildew problem which seems only to affect them so I am giving it a rest for a bit in the hopes it will die out.
Remember your party, you must blame PSOE for this. It's raining cats & dogs here, but the countryside is looking near Irish green (well, almost)
Where exactly in Spain are you? Used to be seven, since changed by a Constitutional amendment (Article 6). D.
There is no debate in Spanish media. But 3 months ago it was a dry and hot winter and the eco-nazis were blowing the trumpets of the Global Warming Judgement Day. Now they sit down and shut up. Five or seven years?
Ah, OK. Otherwise, I'd have offered you una cerveza, as I'll be in Madrid from 3 to 9 July. De nada. D.
That is apparently six months late, ever since I took a red pill and got out of The Madrix. You may find on wednesday night the Dago newsgroup at Cafe Vapor, Av. San Francisco de Sales, 41, metro Cuatro Caminos, provided you seem to be fluent in Dagospeak.
Oh no! ¡Ni mucho menos! I did Spanish a long while ago, but can just _about_ get by. I'm 'native' French, so a lot of what I read is understandable, but spoken Spanish sounds like machine gun fire. My telephone has twenty or so podcasts 'brush up on Spanish' and so on, and as my school is a fifteen-minute walk from my flat, I can do one half-hour session in one day. ¡Voy a Madrid, soy contento! D.
Well, obviously it's the fault of ZP and the catalán estatuto. Actually, after 3 years of drought, most folk around here are dancing in the streets. Tras 3 años de sequía la gente está bailando en las calles. -- Paul. CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird (Buen mueble de patio) BOTAFOT #4 BOTAFOF #30 MRO #24 OMF #15 UKRMMA #30
You may like to look up "ser" vs "estar". -- Paul. CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird (Buen mueble de patio) BOTAFOT #4 BOTAFOF #30 MRO #24 OMF #15 UKRMMA #30