--- Sunday's Ride---<>

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

      I know its the middle of the week but this past Sunday my youngest
    daughter and I took a ride through Williamson county. Traveled roads old
    & new to me, stopped a feww times just to check out the scenery.
      We spent some time riding around Lake Granger, the ride across the
    dam was very cool....that little girl made me ride across that dam three
    times but I didn't care.It sure tickled me when she said again daddy.
    Didn't mind that a bit. We parked the bike and walked along the shore
    and picked up shells.
      All in all it was a very nice ride for both me and my little girl.
      Ride safe
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`bjay here~~~~~~
    Well sir, if that ain't the sweetest bike report I've read in a spell.
    So you and that little gal, had ya'll an enjoyable ''ride'' in the rural
    areas, and
    did some looking and smiling, did ja?
    ~~say howdy to the jailkeeper fer me.

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Apr 27, 2005
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