Sunday Ride?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by redshad, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. redshad

    redshad Guest

    Ok..Lets roll out..Where we going LOCALLY today?? Brian, Big Ed,
    Walker, Louie...Whats the deal..daylights buring.

    redshad, Mar 18, 2007
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  2. redshad

    redshad Guest

    Damn Injectors are about to stop up on the Silver Goldwing. Its been
    sitting still for more than 8 hours straight now. Its out there
    looking lonley and ready to race.

    redshad, Mar 18, 2007
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  3. redshad

    Ed Hart Guest

    I am headed to Bill's right now to turn him.A schedual has to be kept
    between now and next week to get him to sit up straight on the green one for
    the trip south.
    Ed Hart, Mar 18, 2007
  4. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    You mean to say, REDSHAD, that it has not been started in 8 hours-?-?-?

    I hope it will start up.
    You shud'a been starting it, occasionally during that time span, to me.

    Although, I havent started the Magna is 3 days, and it also still has a
    Forney Screw in the front ''tar''.

    Hmmmmm, ''screw'', do you reckon I got that screw, when_________. Nah,
    it couldn't be that, I am talented at that, you know?

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Mar 18, 2007
  5. redshad

    Ed Hart Guest

    Were them boards held down by screws?
    Ed Hart, Mar 19, 2007
  6. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    Ain't that a hoot ? You better get some pipes on that new motorcycle..
    tsk.. tsk.. Disgraceful..
    Bill Walker, Mar 19, 2007
  7. redshad

    redshad Guest

    A feller dont want pipes on these big fine road bikes we ride now. The
    loudness takes away from the music we hear comming from our 8 speaker
    surround sound stereo systems and our TALKING GPS.

    redshad, Mar 20, 2007
  8. redshad

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yeah, feller's have to save their money for the pinstriping!
    Brian Walker, Mar 20, 2007
  9. redshad

    Brian Walker Guest

    And all this time he thought he had a fast motorcycle because we rode
    so far behind him.... :)
    Brian Walker, Mar 20, 2007
  10. redshad

    Brian Walker Guest

    It's like those late night "Dance 70s" commercials. You just hear a
    few seconds of a good song, then it's on to the next....

    The problem with Redshad and Big Ed, they listen to Jimmy Buffet and
    some redneck stuff....take a guess which is which.... :)

    I've just never been able to ride a motorcycle with any skill at all
    listening to Margaritaville. Sorta takes away a bit of the manhood
    testosterone levels....
    Brian Walker, Mar 20, 2007
  11. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    The problem with Redshad and Big Ed, they listen to Jimmy Buffet and
    some redneck stuff....take a guess which is which.... :) Brian)

    Yeah, but that one song, that those two like is a goodun, ('specially
    Big Ed.) <g>
    something like: ‘‘She ran off with a____’’
    BJayKana, Mar 20, 2007
  12. redshad

    Ed Hart Guest

    Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,she did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ed Hart
    Growing Old Is Mandatory
    Growing Up Is Optional

    The problem with Redshad and Big Ed, they listen to Jimmy Buffet and
    some redneck stuff....take a guess which is which.... :) Brian)

    Yeah, but that one song, that those two like is a goodun, ('specially
    Big Ed.) <g>
    something like: ''She ran off with a____''
    Ed Hart, Mar 21, 2007
  13. redshad

    redshad Guest

    She damn sho did..I seeent da hoe doose it.

    redshad, Mar 21, 2007
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