Martin Watts wrote[QUOTE] in message Methinks your assumption is correct. Can't remember where, but I have read statistics which compares accidents against the number of bikes on the road ... and guess what riding a bike today is tons safer than it was in the sixties.[/QUOTE] Fings were a wee bit different 40 years ago. There was only a couple of million cars on the road, there were a much higher proportion of bikes/scoots, no nsl, no 30 limits through villages, rubber compounds that make Chengs look like super sticky, armour and helmets were nowhere near today's standards, A&E didn't have the kit they do now. Something like a goldie could be persuaded to get over a ton with a bit of tinkering. However no amount of tinkering could ever get it to slow down again in a hurry if you needed to. We rode faster because we could and fell harder because we did. All in all not a recipe for a happy ending.