[QUOTE="Zobo Kolonie"] But I doubt it'd be a bad thing to ensure that some form of awareness of the other types of road vehicles and their practicalities is part of the training required to drive any vehicle.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't expect to have to learn to use car controls and drive a car if I wanted to ride a bike. I wouldn't expect to learn how to drive a lorry if I wanted to drive a car. [QUOTE] Hmmm. Yeah that might have some legs actually. After all we live in an country with very crowded roads in many places. Now for example, in Norway they get snow and ice, so skidpan training and assessment forms part of their driving test. I dunno if it's part of the test but when I had a refresher / learn to drive on the right lesson in Norway the instructor was most insistent about keeping out of the cycle lanes and watching out for bicycles. He didn't try to make me ride a bicycle obviously, but he did make me very aware of them.[/QUOTE] I don't see anything wrong with this at all. It wasn't what the OP suggested though. [QUOTE] Can anyone see anything wrong with that sort of thing happening in UK car driver training? Mind you, would it do any good?[/QUOTE] I think, yes. IIIRC they cut the lifesaver out of the driver instruction in the uk so now it's safe to rely on your mirrors. I hope I'm wrong since if I'm not it's a bad move.