Such a Novel Idea

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Apr 27, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    One of the illustrious newsgroup posters posted some interesting comments in
    another thread.. Seems that he has really got a handle on the solution for
    the high cost of gasolene we are filling the tanks on our motorcycles..
    Yup.. this dude is really on top of things around here..

    Seems as though he's determined that our railroads are the answer to all our
    problems with high fuel costs.. Dang, why couldn't those high powered
    elected ones think of all that.. They must be too focused on the oil
    corporations that are currently raping every consumer off.. You think ?

    Whups.. not so fast there, Pilgrim. Better be careful what you wish for..
    As it turns out.. the profound ideas of this usenet wizard, isn't so
    original.. Railroad execs and the hired gun lobbyists have been petitioning
    legislatures across the country, and Washington, DC for several years with
    their proposals for expansive transportation legislation..

    The Railroad conglomerate and corporations haven't figured out how to sell a
    plan to get their business subsidized by all of us, just yet.. They just
    aren't quite as clever as the oil corporations.. who bought themselves a
    governor and then a president who'd support them..

    Railroad lobbyists have introduced Bill after Bill in our own legislature in
    Texas.. They're proposals to expand are mostly based on taxpayer financing
    to upgrade the rail systems .. add new rails to the system and of course..
    the repair of existing ones, which they've neglected for decades.. Soon as
    they can secure the taxpayer financing and government guaranteed profit
    margins to pay their top management executives the obscene salaries, like
    the oil corporations have done, they are in business.. Sound like a good
    idea to you ?

    Hey.. while we are at it.. I've got a terrific idea about manufacturing some
    miraculous widgets.. Soon as I get all of you guys to contribute the funds
    to finance my facility and the salaries it'll take to get up and running,
    I'd like to get my plan working for you.. Those widgets I produce will be
    marketed to you and each one of you will purchase them for a substantial
    profit .. Later .. after I have cornered the widget market, you can
    contribute some more money to facilitate the manufacturing expansion, hmmmm
    besides.. the widget business is so lucrative, I need a raise and these guys
    that are helping to sell all this to you, need some more money, as well..
    I'll be watching my mail every day to collect those checks you are sure to
    be sending me..

    Nah.. think I'll just run the Green One by Citgo, fill it up and run around
    for a bit.. Who needs all the hassle of creating another corporate nightmare
    to furthur rip off the good folks that I know.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 27, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    snipped to the last paragraph of a humorous, and interesting compostion:
    ''Nah.. think I'll just run the Green One by Citgo, fill it up and run
    around for a bit.. Who needs all the hassle of creating another
    corporate nightmare to furthur rip off the good folks that I know..
    Bill Walker

    I agree,
    Another point:''Folks say, let's all boycot Exxon, by God, that'll show
    I say, that wouldnt do a ''dimes''' worth of good.
    Like the cutting off ones ''nose'', meta4.
    BJayKana, Apr 27, 2006
    1. Advertisements

  3. and bill then goes to Citgo to patronize the Venezualan national oil
    company run by America's very good friend Chavez rather than an American
    oil company like Chevron, Texaco or Exxon. lol
    see what i mean about people not recognizing what they do on a day to
    day basis affects them in the aggregate...
    another viewer, Apr 27, 2006
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