Stupid Idiot Twat

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Onejob, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. Onejob

    Onejob Guest

    Just finished a police biker safety course thingy. Actually very good
    and I have to give the plod we were out with due respect, being an
    advanced instructor and all that. And ****, did he know how to handle
    his Pan.

    Anyhow, in case some of you didn't know, the preferred line to take for
    advanced riders etc. is not the racing line but more of a flowing line
    following the nearside on right handers and the crown on left handers.

    So there I am like a good little boy on the way home, practising these
    new lines with great success and, strangly, increased speed round the
    twisties. I approach a sharp left hander, moving towards the centre to
    get a good view round and to assess the exit and next bend when WHUMPH,
    a fucking idiot twat comes hurtling round the bend on the white line
    with his head, body and everything else on my side. Had I not made
    allowances for this cuntishness, his brainless head would have been in
    my lap killing himself and probably me as well.

    Everseen a decapped rider? He'll be the next. Brainless FUCKWIT.

    Oh well. That's my rant over. Thanks for listening. I feel better now.
    Onejob, Oct 4, 2003
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  2. Onejob

    Lozzo Guest

    Onejob had a fit and wibbled.....
    So it works, what's to complain about.

    ZZR1100D, GPZ500S, various CB250RSs
    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14, KoBV#3.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Oct 4, 2003
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  3. Onejob

    Onejob Guest

    Bear squitted:
    Me? Annoyed? I can't even remember what I posted. Dum de dum.
    Onejob, Oct 4, 2003
  4. Could've been you before you did the training.
    Daniel the Manual, Oct 4, 2003
  5. Onejob

    Badger Guest

    That's standard for Motorcycle Roadcraft, as used by everything from
    IAM to RoSPA and beyond. If only the IAM could be consistent about
    teaching its rightful place in the overall pecking order of things,
    they'd actually be quite good.

    Herts & Beds group has some *good* instrH^H^H^H^H^H^Hobservers who do
    this. I get the general impression that standards are not consistent
    across the country, though :(
    Badger, Oct 4, 2003
  6. Onejob

    Onejob Guest

    Daniel the Manual squitted:

    Onejob, Oct 4, 2003
  7. Onejob

    dwb Guest

    Have you actually RODE with the IAM for more then one ride? Have you
    actually listened to what they say?
    Have you taken on board what roadcraft actually says, which is the principal
    behind this?

    It does not say "thou shalt stay over to the right come hell or high water".

    It says "position for visibility but NEVER sacrifice safety". Which, in case
    you can't work it out - means position to the right while it's safe to do
    so - if you see something coming (far more likely when you're positioned
    correctly) then you move in to avoid the danger.

    Just use your brain and think about it.
    dwb, Oct 5, 2003
  8. Onejob

    Lozzo Guest

    dwb had a fit and wibbled.....

    Ridden man, RIDDEN !

    ZZR1100D, GPZ500S, various CB250RSs
    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14, KoBV#3.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Oct 5, 2003
  9. Onejob

    Jon Harris Guest

    Whilst I'd go for "smooth and flowing" I'm not a great fan of the above. The
    extreme nearside and crown often have great piles of shit, grit, nails, used
    nappies etc than the centre 1/3 of the road, and having tried it the
    difference in visibility is nominal. That combined with the fact that on
    right handers it encourages nobbers in cars, who haven't had the course, to
    try and overtake where they shouldn't, whilst you drive through the crap
    that the blocked drains haven't cleared. On left handers it puts you much
    nearer the baseball capped arse in his Nova SR, and if he gets a text just
    as he's approaching and loses concentration, how much of the separation
    distance have you used up?

    If you have blues lights, ride a big white Beemer then yeah use ever inch of
    road width. For me no ones dies if i don't shave another couple of mins off
    my journey time so I'll keep to the centre 1/3 ta very much.

    Jon Harris, Oct 5, 2003
  10. Onejob

    Pip Guest

    Nice one Loz. You missed PRINCIPLE, however.

    Gonna teach them colonials to write ...
    Pip, Oct 5, 2003
  11. Onejob

    Badger Guest

    So you've given up on his brain-block regarding then/than?
    Badger, Oct 5, 2003
  12. Onejob

    Lozzo Guest

    Badger had a fit and wibbled.....
    One thing at a time, Badger me old mucker. I'll have the higgerent Bokka
    speaking proper soon enuff.

    ZZR1100D, GPZ500S, various CB250RSs
    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14, KoBV#3.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Oct 5, 2003
  13. Onejob

    Onejob Guest

    Jon Harris squitted in a warm and wet fashion:

    I think the general idea is to stay ON the road and away from the
    nappies. Safety must never be sacrificed. And bullshit about the
    visibility. As you're rounding the bend and watching it open up, you're
    already planning your next bend and road position. You can't do that as
    you skim the nappies on a lefthander.

    Move over as you approach the bend not 1/2 a mile down the road. Have
    you actually ever tried any of this stuff or are you just mumbling crap?

    On left handers it puts you much nearer the baseball
    Not sure what you're getting at here. If you're saying that if someone
    gets too close you should speed up, you're just plain wrong. If someone
    gets too close, you SLOW DOWN and to open up a space on front. It's
    called DEFENSIVE riding.
    Yeah, whatever.
    Onejob, Oct 5, 2003
  14. Onejob

    jsp Guest

    [snip a few numbnuts comments and the replies]
    I think what he's getting at here is Nova boy coming the other way. The
    answer is, if you're aproaching the bend out by the white line and a car
    comes the other way, if you haven't moved back over into your lane a
    bit, to make distance, then you have no idea what you are doing and
    probably would be better to stick to the very middle of your lane.

    The idea, JH, is to give yourself a chance to see danger early. The
    point of seeing danger is to respond to it and move away from it, not
    stick out by the white line so you can see the whites of Nova boy's eyes.

    From the way you describe your understanding of these ideas, that is
    probably a very good idea.

    Actually, your (JH) other post in this thread:

    "Perhaps it's because it gets bastardised, but so often i've heard it passed
    on as the simplified "Get over to the right on left handers and to the left
    on right handers" rather than thinking through the relative risks involved."

    gets it about right, and I suggest you have described your own position
    in relation to these ideas.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Oct 5, 2003
  15. Onejob

    Tosspot Guest

    Wossa past participle then? For those whose English is a second language.

    Tosspot, Oct 6, 2003
  16. Onejob

    Ace Guest

    'Ridden', in this case, is the past participle, used with the
    appropriate form of 'have' to form the 'perfect' past tense.

    Quite frequently, in English, the past participle is the same as the
    (imperfect) past tense of the verb. For example, 'he died' and 'he has

    In many cases, however, they are not the same, but slang/dialect/poor
    grammar will often confuse them, as in ridden/rode.
    Ace, Oct 6, 2003
  17. Onejob

    Tosspot Guest

    Ta muchly. Perfect tense I unnerstand, past participles sound like
    summat you should go see a doctor about.
    Tosspot, Oct 6, 2003
  18. Onejob

    Onejob Guest

    Ace squitted in a warm and wet fashion:

    You just red vat, didn't ya?
    Onejob, Oct 6, 2003
  19. Onejob

    jsp Guest

    Have you been watching kids' tv again?

    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Oct 6, 2003
  20. "I speak proper, because it sounds correct to me, like"

    You may prefer it, but that doesn't make it right.
    William Grainger, Oct 6, 2003
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