stupid exploding engines, grrrr

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by homeless penguin, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. I started the bike this afternoon and no sooner had I turned the key
    then the engine starts rattling VERY loudly and a large cloud of white
    smoke drifted up from the front of engine...not good!

    Any ideas on just what the nature of the problem may be? Is the engine
    totally fucked, or maybe not? It was only running for maybe 3 seconds
    before I switched it off, so hopefully not long enough to stuff it too
    badly. What are the odds though?

    In the process of sorting a trailer to go pick it up and bring it
    home, and then I'll start pulling bits off...just thought I'd ask you
    lot for ideas, so I have a better idea whether I should be pulling it
    apart to fix the engine or to replace it...

    GPX250 -> CBR600 -> Shadow?
    homeless penguin, Aug 25, 2005
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  2. homeless penguin

    alx Guest

    Is it a Honda ???
    alx, Aug 25, 2005
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  3. Indeed it is! :)

    GPX250 -> CBR600 -> Shadow?
    homeless penguin, Aug 25, 2005
  4. homeless penguin

    stuart t Guest

    For once, I think the immortal line might actually be appropriate.....

    you'll have to split the cases.

    Most likely thing is valve meets piston, they have a loud disagreement
    in which the valve punches hole in piston. I would assume the smoke
    would then come out the exhaust though, not the front of the engine.
    Might be the cam chain snapped (causing the above piston/valve

    stuart t, Aug 25, 2005
  5. homeless penguin

    alx Guest

    Supplementary Question y'honour?

    Have you tried spraying some WD40 on it?

    Apparently if you don;t know what's wrong then try DubyaDee40.
    alx, Aug 26, 2005
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