
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Guig, Feb 27, 2005.

  1. Guig

    Guig Guest

    no one seems to be mentioning the rugby today.

    1 Ireland 3 44 6
    2 Wales 3 38 6
    3 France 3 2 4
    4 Scotland 3 -26 2
    5 England 3 -9 0
    6 Italy 3 -49 0

    We might still be a poor team but at least we're above England.



    "If you are ferocious in battle, remember to be magnanimous in victory.
    We go to liberate, not to conquer. We are entering Iraq to free a
    people, and the only flag that will be flown in that ancient land is
    their own. Don't treat them as refugees, for they are in their own
    country. If there are casualties of war, then remember, when they woke
    up and got dressed in the morning they did not plan to die this day.
    Allow them dignity in death. Bury them properly and mark their graves.
    You will be shunned unless your conduct is of the highest, for your
    deeds will follow you down history. Iraq is steeped in history. It is
    the site of the Garden of Eden, of the Great Flood and the birth of
    Abraham. Tread lightly there."

    Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Collins, of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish.
    Guig, Feb 27, 2005
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  2. Guig

    gr.m Guest

    another time, another round, and we'll get the wooden spool again...
    (dunno if it is the correct translation).

    yea, even if we always lose, rugby is becoming popular here too :)
    gr.m, Feb 27, 2005
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  3. Guig

    BORG Guest

    I had an old GPS system for sale, but someone called Andy Robinson
    bought it for his wayward chariot.

    <--ROT13 it
    Spam Trap in Header

    Freedom isn't FREE
    BORG, Feb 27, 2005
  4. Guig

    Christofire Guest

    Why would they?
    Christofire, Feb 27, 2005
  5. Guig

    Fr Jack Guest

    I should, but I don't want to jinx the winning streak.

    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    skype: fr.jack (without the dot)
    Fr Jack, Feb 28, 2005
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