Stop Helmet Laws Now...

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Larry xlax Lovisone, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. Larry xlax Lovisone

    barbz Guest

    Thanks for commenting on this. I find that the casual throwing about of
    "liberal" as epithet really indicates a misuse of the word, an ignorance
    of its definition, and a propensity to listen to hate-spewing
    polarization such as offered by Rush Limbaugh. "Liberal" is such a handy
    label, which can be applied to anything, from the dog that crapped on
    your lawn, to the neighbors who insist you clean up the dead appliances
    rusting away in your front yard. It's an even more mindless epithet than
    "asshole," which is guaranteed to be, to some extent, accurate.

    barbz, Nov 23, 2003
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  2. Wouldn't it be great if the world was black and white? ;-) BAN GRAY
    and every other color!

    -Steve Makohin | Reply to
    2000 BMW R1100S/ABS | (hotmail acct is spam catcher)
    Steve Makohin, Nov 23, 2003
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  3. And don't forget to ban walking, the most dangerous form of commonly
    used transportation as measured by accidents per 1000 miles traveled.
    I think (hope) that Andy Burnett had his tongue planted firmly in his
    cheek when he made that statement.

    -Steve Makohin | Reply to
    2000 BMW R1100S/ABS | (hotmail acct is spam catcher)
    Steve Makohin, Nov 23, 2003
  4. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Charles Soto Guest

    Liberals don't display intolerance for people. It's just that idiots
    today label "Democrats" as "Liberals." I mean WTF?

    Charles Soto, Nov 23, 2003
  5. Larry xlax Lovisone

    cxTurbo Guest

    Gasp!!! How could you do something like that? After all the man owns
    and rides Mr. RC45 #2!!!!

    A long time ago I disagreed with him when he advised someone that it's
    acceptable to plug their bike tire which would see 175 mph. Someone
    in AMS then brought it to my attention that Xlax not only owns but
    rides an RC45 and makes his own kickstands therefore the man must know
    what he's talking about. Egg on my face.
    Dang dude....the guy owns Mr. RC45 "fer Xlaxsake". Now you're just
    talking blasphemy. Shame on you :(

    Now I think I can agree with what you just said there...but I'll have
    to wait until Xlax respondes before I can be 100% sure :)

    CX500 TURBO
    CX650 TURBO
    cxTurbo, Nov 23, 2003
  6. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    If one of those damn liberal dogs craps in my yard, I'm going to pop a cap in
    that hate-spewing mofo!
    Tim Morrow, Nov 23, 2003
  7. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! (Charles, you crack me up!)
    Those would be the people that towards whom liberals don't display intolerance?
    Don't display intolerance.... just pop a cap in those mofos!
    Tim Morrow, Nov 23, 2003
  8. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Ben, that study doesn't address the difference in costs to riders, insurance
    companies, or society between riders who are killed because they did not wear
    helmets and riders who are injured but survive because they did wear helmets.

    If your sole aim is to save the state money because of motorcycle injuries that
    are not covered by insurance or personal payment by injured riders or their
    families, then you can either ban motorcycles outright, require insurance, or
    mandate that riders post a personal responsibility surety bond.

    The study you cite (which I purchased, printed, and will be studying in more
    detail) does not address the point that I am making.

    Tim Morrow, Nov 23, 2003
  9. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Well, when my friend Clayton hit the truck that turned left in front of him at
    55mph 10 years ago, I can assure you that he would have died if he had not been
    wearing a helmet. His helmeted head pushed the metal frame of the passenger
    door window eight inches into the cab of the truck, before he was flung around
    into the windshield of the truck. In spite of his helmet, he had two severe
    skull fractures in addition to several other life-threatening non-brain related

    The cost of his emergency life-flight via helicopter to Duke Medical Center cost
    more in 1993 than my father's funeral did in 2003.

    Clayton's total medical costs were over $1,000,000, including about a dozen
    post-ICU surgeries, and not including permanent paralysis of his right arm and
    the loss of productivity as a result.

    I think it would be a pretty simple study to look at motorcycle accidents and
    compare those that resulted in death when the rider wasn't wearing helmet with
    those of a directly comparable nature when the rider was wearing a helmet and
    determine the costs to society.

    I can also think of a number of reasons why such a study has never been
    undertaken (no pun intended) and never will be.
    Tim Morrow, Nov 23, 2003
  10. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Seeing those kids makes my blood run cold. I remember how fast (and how BADLY)
    I rode my Honda CB750F in 1980 when I was 22 and full of piss and vinegar, and
    even then I had the minimum amount of sense to at least wear a full face helmet,
    jacket, gloves, boots, and jeans when acting like a total fool.

    When one of my VRTP MRC or BRC graduates comes back to visit me and say "Hi" on
    the range these days, if they're not wearing proper gear, I tell them to leave
    and not come back again unless they're wearing the proper gear. Makes me feel
    like I wasted my time trying to educate them!

    Tim Morrow, Nov 23, 2003
  11. Oh, I forgot. The world is supposed to revolve around everything

    In Canada, we have a political party by the name of "Liberal" and the
    people who belong to it call themselves "Liberals". I'll talk about
    Liberals all I bloody-well want! ;)

    Instead of weaving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Nov 23, 2003
  12. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Odinn Guest

    Quick question on the BRC. What kind of helmet is required? I do have
    a halfshell DOT approved lid. I think I might know where I can borrow a
    3/4 if that is required.


    '03 FLHTI ...........
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    Odinn, Nov 23, 2003
  13. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Michael Fell Guest

    Does Canaduh have a Conservative party? My guess would be no.:)

    Michael Fell, Nov 23, 2003
  14. Larry xlax Lovisone

    cstatman Guest

    I agree, it is a big crap filled argument.

    The Texas laws are really sweet on this. You don't wanna wear a
    helmet? GREAT, we support your freedom to choose.

    BUT, with rights, come responsibilities.

    Take MSF Class
    Have Adequate Personal Insurance
    Be of legal decision making age
    Have Legislature FUND rider education programs

    this way, riders get educated, and are insured to cover hospital costs,
    are old enough to make the choice, AND, the state PUSHES education

    Most educated riders will wear helmets, but it is by choice. The
    non-compliant riders get a hefty fine too.

    What about the numb-nuts who does not do any of the above, crashes, and
    is in hospital?

    Guess what? There are always idiots.

    But choice is what America is based on, (unlike California
    unsuccessfully continues to tries to legislate saftey and intelligence)
    and we might as well help make good ones.

    Assuring you of my best intentions at all times,

    Charles Statman
    Rocket Scientist/Wonderboy/Women's Legs Shaven

    DoD the Un-Numbered One
    cstatman, Nov 23, 2003
  15. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Calgary Guest

    Actually we have two, The Progressive Conservatives and the Canadian
    Alliance. We also have a Socialist Party known as The New Democratic
    Party. Then as a byproduct of a multi party political system we have
    several fringe parties.

    It always amazes me how an educated nation can be totally blind to the
    political events of their neighbours.

    84 - Virago 1000
    ask me the time and I'll tell you how to build a cesium clock
    Calgary, Nov 23, 2003
  16. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Timberwoof Guest

    Actually, it has been done at least once and the URL to one such study
    has been posted in this thread a few times. The hard part is that its
    overall findings do not agree with your "logical" conclusion and your

    As for your friend's expenses: would you rather have buried him?
    Timberwoof, Nov 23, 2003
  17. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Timberwoof Guest

    Canada is not alone. Most civilized countries have numerous political
    It is to the interest of American big business owners and their
    government representatives (that's Senators and Representatives) that
    common folk (that's everyone else) don't hear much about how things are
    done elsewhere.
    Timberwoof, Nov 23, 2003
  18. Like it matters who runs Canada to Americans? Put a CEO in charge and call
    it what it is already, the 51st State of Pax Americana, otherwise known as
    the North American Hegemony ( NAH for short! ).

    Frozen most of the year, politically slightly left of center, no different
    than California, socially left of center, again not much different than
    California, several languages spoken because no one apparently has the balls
    to actually mostly PICK one,and every time I head up and talk to people in
    Regina or Calgary they are asking if I can get them a job so they can move
    down into where the real action takes place.

    I say incorporate already, and take advantage of being part of Pax
    Americana, rather than some mostly frozen place which gets taken for granted
    because...well seriously...what EXACTLY do you think Canadians can do about
    it? Invade Seattle? Clone Pamela and send an army of her down to influence
    American policy makers?

    Give us a reason to pay attention...otherwise...keep building those cars for
    us, enjoy the taxes, keep that exchange rate in our favor so when we visit
    it doesn't cost much, keep coming up with women who look like Pamela who
    when they figure out the way the world works immediately move to the Lower
    48, and elect whatever polticial group you want to keep the natives in
    Troy the Troll, Nov 23, 2003
  19. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Timberwoof Guest

    Like it matters who runs Canada to Americans? Put a CEO in charge and call
    it what it is already, the 51st State of Pax Americana, otherwise known as
    the North American Hegemony ( NAH for short! ).

    Frozen most of the year, politically slightly left of center, no different
    than California, socially left of center, again not much different than
    California, several languages spoken because no one apparently has the balls
    to actually mostly PICK one,and every time I head up and talk to people in
    Regina or Calgary they are asking if I can get them a job so they can move
    down into where the real action takes place.[/QUOTE]

    Well, they did pick one: French. Even in Saskatchewan (that's a
    province, somehting you would call a "state") there are more speakers of
    German and Hungarian than French. Nevertheless, French is a protected
    language throughout Canada.

    It's one of many alternate ways to run a country.
    You keep complaining about California's politics, but you forget that if
    one were to take California away from the US, what remains would be
    pretty much like Canada, economically speaking.
    Timberwoof, Nov 23, 2003
  20. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Yes, but it's usually just referred to by its initials; the HFRWE party.
    Tim Morrow, Nov 24, 2003
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