STOLEN - XS11 Special - wee hours of 25th April - Birmingham

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Guy Fawkes, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. Guy Fawkes

    Salad Dodger Guest

    On irony, I liked the letter in the Times today...

    'There is a great irony in the comment by Rowan Williams that “there
    were things government believed it knew and claimed to know on a
    privileged basis which, it emerged, were anything but certain”.
    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..64299../..15196.../..3157./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17
    '^' RBR-Visited:13 Pts: 250 Miles:1237
    Salad Dodger, Apr 26, 2004
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  2. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes Guest

    so if you pop back to your house for ten minutes for a crap and your
    ride is stolen it isn't insured?

    methinks carole nash's star is waning fast.
    Guy Fawkes, Apr 27, 2004
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  3. Guy Fawkes

    Ben Guest

    It's not just Carole Nash. Every policy I've had where I've said
    it'll be garaged has had a similar condition. Usually they just apply
    between certain hours at night though, for example the GSXR must be in
    the garage between 11pm and 6am if at home.
    Ben, Apr 27, 2004
  4. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes Guest

    I don't see that this is an enforceable clause.

    take someone using his bike during the day for several local short
    trips, one or more of those include a return to the home address for a
    coffee / crap / whatever

    while the bike is parked outside the home it is still "in use" and
    merely parked for a few minutes, it is not "out of use" and "parked
    up" as it were.

    now how are the insurers going to tell the difference anyway?

    just about 2 years ago my z1 was trashed while parked outside my house
    (not the usual as stated on the ins parking place which was in the
    back) on the street, truck with broken n/s mirror reverses around
    corner and over kwack, bending frame, instant write off.

    yes this was an auntie carole agreed value policy, and they didn't say
    dick, as it happened I had returned home because AFAICR I had
    forgotten a piece of paperwork for the bank and stopped for a coffee
    while I was back (was inside still wearing leathers etc) but lacking
    gps tracking of the bike and x10 wireless webcam surveillance of my
    sitting room, just how is any insurer going to prove or disprove this,
    or even comment on it?


    while reporting THIS claim on the phone yesterday the bod asked me
    several questions that I objected to, such as did I have any medical
    conditions etc etc, I pointed out to him repeatedly that the bike was
    stolen at about 2am from a driveway(of a friends house that I was
    visiting some 160 miles from home) where it was securely chained up
    with 70 quids worth of chain and padlock, it was not being ridden by
    me nor was it on a public highway, so the ONLY aspect of my insurance
    policy and cover that was invoked were those that related to THEFT
    cover. My licence of lack thereof, any medical comdition I might or
    might not have had, whether I was pissed out of my tiny mind or
    whether I was busy playing hide the salami were all totally irellevant
    to any claim under the THEFT clause.


    If i have had ten bikes stolen in the past five years, I can see that
    the insurance company might have some concerns and investigate further
    was there any fraud, were they on HP that I could not pay, were they
    all left in reigate with the keys in the ignition, etc.

    If I have had ten claims in the past five years made against me by
    other drivers when I have caused an accident, I can see the insurance
    company having concerns and re-assesing my risk as a driver

    When the FACTS are that in damn near 3 decades of motoring, which at
    various times includes 2500 miles a week a long distance dispatcher
    and more trans european runs than I can shake a stick at, my sum total
    of blips on the insurance radar screen are

    early/mid nineties
    fully comp all bells and whistles agreed value HD FXE stolen
    auntie carole manage to not pay out even 1p

    mid 2002
    fully comp all bells and whistles agreed value Z1 shaft reversed over
    by a truck while parked outside my place, write off
    auntie carole eventually settle in full, after several paperwork
    cockups, but to this day not had the uninsured losses which amount to
    some £400

    late 2002
    fully comp all bells and whistles agreed value guzzi sport that I
    managed to drop in an icy carp park at a humiliating 10 mph, totally
    and utterly my fault, buggered bikini, rocker box, gearshift and can
    auntie carole eventually settle with repairer, despite several
    paperwork cock ups revolving around final £300 quid of bill

    april 2004 (now)
    full comp all bells and whistles agreed value (or not, as they are now
    claiming) xs11 special stolen from mates driveway while chained up
    still ongoing obviously but CN already ducking and weaving and
    claiming that it is not agreed value.

    Now I dunno about you but there's quite a bit gone out in premiums
    there, and they already managed to avoid a total loss payout on a
    classic harley, which isn't chickenfeed money, the kawasaki they
    obviously recouped the money from the trucking company insurers, so
    the guzzi only was genuinely and totally my fault, this is the first
    one they "lose" on, but they are still well ahead of the game, now we
    are into the unknowns with the XS, and even that we aren't talking
    serious money, 2k will cover it nicely, and the kwack and guzzi
    incidents managed to double my premium from £100 a year to just shy of
    £200 when I renewed the yam policy in end of march for the second
    is too fucking late to to go "oh, wait a minute, we need to do our
    sums again because we weren't actually planning on having to pay out
    on this one..." well **** you because I wasn't planning on having my
    ride stolen, and quite frankly I wouldn't have sold it for 2 grand
    anyway because despite the fact that it doesn't fit the knee down
    ethos of u.r.m. it did EXACTLY what I wanted out of a bike, which was
    simply to eat as many miles as I chose to throw at it, without any
    kind of fuss, without discomfort, and without any kind of reliability
    of high ongoing maintenance costs.

    over the years since i stared using auntie carole (£100 harley
    insurance was an excellent deal way back then) I have lost count of
    how many other bikers I have recommended who have come back to me
    later and said thanks, I am now with carole nash, it must easily be a
    three figure number now, but they sure have changed from a small firm
    who really genuinely cared about giving (classic) bikers a good deal
    to just another big insurance company who don't appear to give a ****
    about anything but the bottom line... and I can get that kind of
    policy absolutely anywhere, minus the carole nash commission of

    I guess the next few weeks will tell how this one pans out, but I am
    already left with a bad taste.

    It comes to something when a forty something who has ridden bikes all
    his life (and by ridden bikes I don't mean just the summer all you
    bastards who came out of your heated garages and waved at me fro your
    fat boys) and hasn't even driven a vehicle with more than 2 wheels AT
    ALL in the past several years is now seriously considering saying ****
    it, get myself insured for the diesel biarriz and buy a fucked old
    cx500 for 200 quid and insure it 3rd party only, for one reason and
    one reason only, the insurance companies have done what the guvvmint
    never could, and made biking just too much fucking hassle.
    Guy Fawkes, Apr 27, 2004
  5. Guy Fawkes

    darsy Guest

    and after this, it didn't occur to you to try another insurance

    Dumb ****.
    darsy, Apr 27, 2004
  6. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes Guest

    hope you have the same attitude when someone who isn't insured because
    they can't be bothered with the bullshit takes you out and leaves you
    broken and bleeding on the hardtop.

    if these fuckers are playing dirty over two grand how do you think
    they are going to act when you're needing 150k because you'll never
    work again because you are missing a limb?

    dumb ****? yeah, that'll be you.
    Guy Fawkes, Apr 27, 2004
  7. Guy Fawkes

    darsy Guest

    you're rather stupid.

    Not using Carole Nash for insurance <> not getting insurance at all.
    darsy, Apr 27, 2004
  8. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes Guest

    on the contrary
    no shit sherlock, next you'll be telling me I can run my next bike on
    shell petrol as well as bp petrol.....

    since the point of my message obviously went WAAAAY over your excuse
    for a brain, let me elucidate.

    1/ when carole started she was small, personal, and gave a shit about
    customers as individuals.

    2/ carole nash the company is now large, impersonal, and gives not a
    toss about customers as individuals.

    you imply that one can remedy #2 by not taking my custom to carole
    nash, who are after all a broker and not an insurer, and going
    somewhere else instead.

    which would logically leave three choices.

    a/ go direct to an insurer and get treated with disdain directly by
    the insurer, but saving the broker commission on the premiums at

    b/ go to another "gotten way too big and impersonal" broker such as
    bennets, and get EXACTLY the same treatment as I do from carole nash,
    MINUS the history as a paying client which at least gives me SOME
    clout in an argument.. ("Look, you cannot say this has never happened
    before because you did the exact same thing in 2002")

    c/ go to another small, expert, caring and concientious broker (as
    carole nash WAS) assuming of course that such a beast exists (and if
    they do I'd be glad to hear about them because I certainly havent
    found any)

    choices a/ and b/ being the only choices actually open to me leave me
    exactly where I am now, behind a large and faceless incompetent
    beurocracy staffed by morons one step up the food chain from
    telemarketers who belive that whatever is on their sacred database is
    unassailable and unquestionable fact, like my 4 door rover SDi that I
    could NEVER get corrected.

    Guy Fawkes, Apr 27, 2004
  9. Guy Fawkes

    Lozzo Guest

    Guy Fawkes says...
    Bennetts are not that impersonal ime.

    I insured my 250 Honda on their stand while working at the Ally Pally
    bike show. 4 months later I called them to insure my Thunderace. The
    bloke on the phone was the guy I dealt with at the show, and he
    remembered me and what bikes I had before the T/ace (ZZR1100 and
    GPZ500S)[1]. He even remembered how I paid for the Honda's insurance[2]
    This was before I had given him any personal details, all I told him was
    that I'd insured my CB250RS with them while I was working at the show.

    [1] I'd had quotes from Bennetts that beat CN by a country mile
    [2] They wouldn't take cash, so someone I was working with kindly bunged
    it on their card in exchange for the cash.
    Lozzo, Apr 27, 2004
  10. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes Guest

    sincere thanks for that, just shows how impressions can be misleading,
    unless they give me a stupid quote bennets will be my new insurer.

    thanks again
    Guy Fawkes, Apr 27, 2004
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