My main 'bike riding' friend, RT, had such severe chest pains 2 days after Christmas, that he drove himself to the ER. Before he went, he called me, and told me of his pain, that kept him up most of the night...I told him I would already be entering the doors of the ER.<>They did a heart cath, the next morning....the doctor showed RT the blocked artery,on the monitor, and said we can put a stint in there, immediately. RT watched the process. <>That evening he was eating and feeling well. <>Next morning, the Doc, said you can go home after lunch. RT ask if he was gonna be okay, the doc said 0 yeah. <> When the Doc got out of site, my friend put his clothes on, and walked. <>The nurses were skooting around trying to talk him into waiting, but hard head RT, left the hospital.<>The Hospital called RT's son, Greg.who was the next of kin contact. GREG said to them‘‘So my Father escaped, eh?’’ They laughed. <> RT said the procedure was painless, and he'll probably go dancing tonight.. (NY's Eve)<> I havent talked to him today, but I imagine he's rode his Bike. <The moral is: THe procedure of installing the stints, to allow blood flow in a stopped up artery, is most Amazing.<>What a wonderful medical discovery. that saved his Life, HE's 58. ‹›‘Have a Good'un’›››BJAY›››