Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Bill Miller., Aug 24, 2008.

  1. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    Here's my original post and two of the specific questions I asked.
    Let's try these several more times and see if anyone in this group can
    wandering off into the wilderness and yakking about master links and
    any other subject to avoid simply providing the SPECIFIC ANSWERS TO

    On the TW200 I thinking of buying, I understand it comes with a stock
    14 front sprocket and a stock 50 or 52 rear. And since I've clearly
    stated many times that its use will primarily be ON-ROAD, I intend to
    switch out the tires to the TW203 and TW204 plus perhaps some sprocket

    1--What will be the performance results of changing the front to a 15
    or even a 12?

    2--What will be the performance results of changing the rear to a 47
    or a 42 or even a 55?

    By performance results I mean mpg, shift points, higher speed and
    quieter engine operation, and any other aspects of ON-ROAD RIDING.


    Bill Miller., Aug 24, 2008
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  2. Are you nuts or what ? The answers you got already were
    as good as you're going to get. Go away you flatulent asshole.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Aug 24, 2008
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  3. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    Not nuts Robbie, just still waiting for answers. And I have yet to
    receive any answers to these questions so where do you get your
    lamebrained idea that "the answers you got already were as good as
    you're going to get?' Thwere have been no answers, only misdirected
    ramblings wholly missing the mark of the OP. In other words, "WHERE'S

    But I'm glad to see you're basically admitting that most of the so-
    called wannabe fake "techs" in this newsgroup are just that ---wannabe
    FAKES with no real knowledge to offer.

    Bill Miller., Aug 24, 2008
  4. Bill Miller.

    Who Me? Guest

    Glad we got that solved.
    Who Me?, Aug 25, 2008
  5. Bill, as far as I'm concerned, you are a total asshole.

    Apparently you feel you're entitle to demand answers
    from this group. That, among other reasons is why
    I figure you for a total nutjob. A spoiled brat to boot.

    Out of curiosity, I did google a little on your question
    and saw a couple answers. If you were less of an
    asshole and less of a spoiled brat, you'd go do the
    same. Why would anybody ever want to try to help
    you even if they had an answer to offer ?
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Aug 25, 2008
  6. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    Rob, you got your assholes mixed up. The TRUE asshole in this entire
    thread/discussion/newsgroup has been the pile of hogshit unfit for a
    human body incorrectly called The Older Gentleman because that fucking
    asswipe hasn't been a gentleman his entire life---he's just a dried up
    old prune seeing life blow past him and trying desperately to hang
    onto some sense of self-worth and the ignorant, abrasive pompous
    bastard has none at all.

    Why don't you denigrate him for his negativity throughout the entire
    thread? Ahhh, are you one of his little anal companions that meet in
    his "secret playroom" every Thursday afternoon? That's the only thing
    that might explain your misplaced loyalty to the useless dumbass TOGGY
    Bill Miller., Aug 25, 2008
  7. It's taken you a worryingly long time to come to that conclusion.
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 25, 2008
  8. Because I like TOG and we've exchanged worthwhile thoughts
    on various social and technical issues.

    In case you haven't caught on to this already, Bill, I don't
    particularly like you, your postings are a waste of everybody's
    time, including your own and like just about everybody else
    here, I really wish you'd go away and find other TW200 owners
    to advise you.

    You seem to not get it. This group for riders who work on
    their own bikes and like to exchange information with
    other riders. I'll put up a question and sometimes get a
    good answer, sometimes a flippant or not so good answer
    and sometimes no answer at all. Any useful information
    I get is a gift and appreciated as such. When I don't get a
    good answer, shrug of shoulders and go look elsewhere.

    I am absolutely amazed that you have these feelings
    of entitlement that tell you folks should hop right to it
    and produce the answers you demand. It's often said
    that insanity repeating the same behavior over and over
    and expecting a different outcome. I don't know or
    particularly care what the answer to your question is.

    Come back when you've recovered from your tantrum.
    Seek help in your recovery.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Aug 25, 2008
  9. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    Oh, so if you had a close friend who murdered someone, sinc e you had
    a history with that person, you'd just excuse that behavior.
    Interesting sense of situational morality. In light of your stance,
    my only question would be how do you "like" TOG? In his pink dress?
    In the frilly satin bikini panties? With or without lip gloss?
    Oh I fully get it, you're one of those people who just accept
    anything, good or evil with no sense of true right and wrong...the
    perfect foil for a user and abuser. Go for it, it's not my bag.

    I'm truly amazed that you're such a weak, spineless weenie and then to
    top it off demonstrate it on a world wide newsgroup as you've just
    done. People that don't specifically answer a question that is posed
    are easily described...self-centered and RUDE. It's not up to the
    responder to decide whether or not the question has merit? The only
    truly classy individual simply takes the question posed and answers
    within the framework of the question. To say anything else and not
    answer the specific question is RUDE, ILL-MANNERED AND SELF-CENTERED
    EGOTISTICAL BEHAVIOR and the person that does that should be chastised
    for his boorish actions and that includes the biggest BOOR of all in
    this newsgroup, your anal companion TOG TURD.
    I'm not the one who needs help spineless one. You need to grow out of
    the shadow of your lordf and master TOG TURD and grow the **** up.


    One last question Rob, do you swallow? HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH
    Bill Miller., Aug 26, 2008
  10. I'm shocked, shocked I say, that motorcyclists could ever
    be rude, ill mannered, self centered, egotisticaland boorish.

    I strongly encourage you to find a better sort of people to
    associate with.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Aug 26, 2008
  11. Preferably in Azerbaijan or somewhere....
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 26, 2008
  12. Also, if you reverse the front and rear sprockets, placing
    the big sprocket on the gearbox output shaft and the
    small one on the rear wheel, a TW200 will do 150
    mph at 200 mpg. Didn't want to let this carefully
    guarded tuning tip out of the bag but Bill's persistence
    has awed and intimidated me and I can no longer keep
    the secret.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Aug 27, 2008
  13. Bill Miller.

    paul c Guest

    Rob, if I may call you that, I like your posts, but would like to point
    out that there are some who just will not piss off if not told to piss
    off in words that have two syl's less than one syl'.
    paul c, Aug 27, 2008
  14. Bill Miller.

    no_one Guest

    Alleged video of Bill Miller (Long Hair) vs anyone from
    no_one, Aug 27, 2008
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