I've got a 900 Divvy and this morning when I turned the ignition on, the tachometer went into the red three times. After this I was unable to start the bike until I'd turned the ignition off and back on. Anyone got any idea what this was? -- Richard XJ900S (slightly bruised) BOTAFOT #134, YTC#18
That's some sort of diagnostics. I _think_ it's to do with the throttle position sensor. Can't find anything on Google - TOG would be able to give a definite answer. I do know the TPS plays up on them occasionally, so it's usually a good idea to give it a quick clean every so often.
LOL! The girlfriend has just walked in demanding to know whats so funny...how the hell do I explain this one?
<smacks forehead> Now you mention it, something reptilian-like did chew my right arm off thus preventing me from activating the start switch (with my right hand). Plus, after starting the bike (with my left hand) I now find it extremely difficult to accelerate. -- Richard XJ900S (slightly bruised) BOTAFOT #134, YTC#18
Cheers Steve <goes to look for my Haynes BOL> -- Richard XJ900S (slightly bruised) BOTAFOT #134, YTC#18
"I have no sense of humour and laugh at cliches just to feel a sense of belonging" How's that, any help?
On Wed, 08 Oct 2003 20:27:54 GMT, Got a handbook? Chances are the diagnostic codes won't be in there, but you never know. Otoh, you might have missed the chance to communicate with extra-terrestrials, the triple rev needle jump being the bike's ready state indicator for BEM pickup. -- Dave GS 850 x2 / SE 6a SbS#6? DIAABTCOD#16 APOSTLE#16? FUB#3 FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19
Mash wrote Tell her it will need her fittest two mates and at least three days. And then send her round to me.
*chortle* now you can tell me off for laughing at prematurely aged cynics resident somewhere between swindon and bristol.
And just the other week it was a death threat. oh just your carefully crafted view that you have the physical and mental state of someone aged about 75. I'll say no more or else I'll have to look out for flame throwers on the way to work next week.
Hey, consistency isn't a virtue you know. There's nothing wrong with my physical state. And anyhow, there was some rubbish on the TV called (something like) "miserable old men" this evening which really summed it all up for me. Anyhow, they weren't that old, Will Self was on there fer heck's sake.