Stan Mould's nasty little game...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by GoldenGun, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. Secret communication between judges and croft:))))) what have you done for the
    judges croft, for them to communicate secretly with you :))))

    ~Obiwan.Sensai~, Sep 26, 2003
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  2. GoldenGun

    Eddie Guest

    Actually, *that* should be 'tenterhooks'.
    Eddie, Sep 26, 2003
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  3. GoldenGun

    WorkTOG Guest


    In the meantime, we
    *What* a twonk.
    WorkTOG, Sep 26, 2003
  4. GoldenGun

    Stan Mould Guest

    Thanks for putting the odious Scrotum right, Eddie. Did you know he
    also posts as 'Chippy' uin uk.railway, where he is also just as

    Most people think he was also the deeply unpleasant person known as
    Horace Eccles who wished various persons got cancer and died, just
    before he pretended he'd got a new job and house move and sodded off
    for a while, leaving everyone much happier.

    Others, including me, think he is the German-based brother of the OP,
    the pathetically insane David Husband of Dorset, who is completely and
    utterly obsessed with me to the point it has driven him even further
    insane. Indeed, both of them seem to suffer the same familial
    Stan Mould, Sep 26, 2003
  5. GoldenGun

    Scorer Guest

    Well, that light-hearted post went down well, didn't it? Of course,
    levity isn't something that you can handle very well, is it, Seepage?
    The pomposity, self-importance, and boastful nature rather get in the

    On the subject of posting identities: We haven't seen you using the
    'Blueyonder Stan' name, lately. Why is that?
    How do you know that Mr Eccles did not get a new job and house? And
    aren't you forgetting the numerous times that you have insisted that I
    am Mr Eccles? You must have been wrong on all those occasions.
    Beyond the reasoning: 'Scorer is in Germany. David Husband has a
    brother in Germany. Therefore Scorer is David Husband's brother',
    upon what do you base that assertion?

    Let's talk about familial/genetic problems. For instance, you
    inherited your mother's B12 deficiency, and, as your half-brother
    apparently doesn't suffer from AD/HD, that, too, probably came from
    your mother's side.

    You, in turn, passed the defect to at least one of your offspring.

    It is a great pity that your father didn't show a little more
    self-restraint (though the lack of such control is one thing that has
    obviously passed to you from the paternal side).
    Scorer, Sep 27, 2003
  6. GoldenGun

    Stan Mould Guest

    You? Light-hearted? Not ever, me old malice-filled Scrote. You
    wouldn't know a joke if it hit you on the head and said 'ha, ha, ha,
    wasn't that funny?'.

    Of course,
    Mirror? I've never seen you EVER take a pop at yourself. You can
    only ever do that to others, as you hide behind the cloak of
    anonymity, you poison-filled old Scrote.
    Hah!! This from the pompous oaf who tries to fool people he knows how
    IQ tests are constructed, what the scoring systems are, and can
    predict someonme else's IQ from never having met them, and knowing
    nothing about them. Quack, quack, Mr Duck. Do you sell snake oil for
    a living?
    Don't you know? I haven't seen Suzanne Croft or Mike Dean posting
    from NTL either. Why is that?
    Because I don't believe a word you or your other poison-filled
    Doppelganger say, that's why.

    'Must have been wrong'? What an odd turn of phrase. Why 'must' I
    have been wrong? People on uk.railway or seem to have a shrewd
    idea who you are, and you are most certainly posting as Chippy on
    uk.railway, because I have been sent the proof from someone else who
    is disgusted at you. You were singularly dafter than you usually are
    when you dropped yourself in it for all to mock and know even more
    about you.
    'Beyond the reasoning'? WTF does that mean? You are displaying your
    appalling cognictive procesing yet again, with that little leap of
    ill-logic (sic) yet again, Scrotum/Chippy/Eccles and no doubt many
    more unpleasant examples of the failures of humankind.

    Although I have to wonder why you are always so solicitous of the
    other appalling member of your appalling family.
    No, I did not. Wrong again. You are so desperate to find something,
    anything, to try to demonstrate my shortcomings so as to bolster your
    own fragile ego, that you get even the most basic of facts quite,
    quite, wrong. Yet again.

    How many simple errors of cognitive processing have I pulled you up
    over to date, Scrote? It has to be in the dozens.

    and, as your half-brother
    Would you know? Or even be able to guess? And what about other
    family members? Could you know? Or even be able to guess, with that
    inability of yours to process information in even the the most
    inadequate of forms?

    that, too, probably came from
    See above. You could not be more wrong. Although you are plainly
    trying to insult me about my mother, knowing that doing so to anyone
    is a emotive subject. What a pscyhopathic lout you are.
    Defect? What defect? Surely not YOUR defect of personality?
    Oh, what a boring, predictable idiot you are. You plainly have a
    complete inability to acurately process information. That's
    demonstrable over the time you have posted here. You make wild
    guesses as to the truth, hoping to glean a little more information
    from an angry denial of your fantasies. You have a malignant and
    thoroughly repellent manner.

    You just HAVE to be of the Husberk ilk.
    Stan Mould, Sep 27, 2003
  7. GoldenGun

    Stan Mould Guest

    You? Light-hearted? Not ever, me old malice-filled Scrote. You
    wouldn't know a joke if it hit you on the head and said 'ha, ha, ha,
    wasn't that funny?'.

    Of course,
    Mirror? I've never seen you EVER take a pop at yourself. You can
    only ever do that to others, as you hide behind the cloak of
    anonymity, you poison-filled old Scrote.
    Hah!! This from the pompous oaf who tries to fool people he knows how
    IQ tests are constructed, what the scoring systems are, and can
    predict someonme else's IQ from never having met them, and knowing
    nothing about them. Quack, quack, Mr Duck. Do you sell snake oil for
    a living?
    Don't you know? I haven't seen Suzanne Croft or Mike Dean posting
    from NTL either. Why is that?
    Because I don't believe a word you or your other poison-filled
    Doppelganger say, that's why.

    'Must have been wrong'? What an odd turn of phrase. Why 'must' I
    have been wrong? People on uk.railway or seem to have a shrewd
    idea who you are, and you are most certainly posting as Chippy on
    uk.railway, because I have been sent the proof from someone else who
    is disgusted at you. You were singularly dafter than you usually are
    when you dropped yourself in it for all to mock and know even more
    about you.
    'Beyond the reasoning'? WTF does that mean? You are displaying your
    appalling cognictive procesing yet again, with that little leap of
    ill-logic (sic) yet again, Scrotum/Chippy/Eccles and no doubt many
    more unpleasant examples of the failures of humankind.

    Although I have to wonder why you are always so solicitous of the
    other appalling member of your appalling family.
    No, I did not. Wrong again. You are so desperate to find something,
    anything, to try to demonstrate my shortcomings so as to bolster your
    own fragile ego, that you get even the most basic of facts quite,
    quite, wrong. Yet again.

    How many simple errors of cognitive processing have I pulled you up
    over to date, Scrote? It has to be in the dozens.

    and, as your half-brother
    Would you know? Or even be able to guess? And what about other
    family members? Could you know? Or even be able to guess, with that
    inability of yours to process information in even the the most
    inadequate of forms?

    that, too, probably came from
    See above. You could not be more wrong. Although you are plainly
    trying to insult me about my mother, knowing that doing so to anyone
    is a emotive subject. What a pscyhopathic lout you are.
    Defect? What defect? Surely not YOUR defect of personality?
    Oh, what a boring, predictable idiot you are. You plainly have a
    complete inability to acurately process information. That's
    demonstrable over the time you have posted here. You make wild
    guesses as to the truth, hoping to glean a little more information
    from an angry denial of your fantasies. You have a malignant and
    thoroughly repellent manner.

    You just HAVE to be of the Husberk ilk.
    Stan Mould, Sep 27, 2003
  8. GoldenGun

    Scorer Guest

    Of course I would - like many people, I've been laughing at you for
    Mirror, mirror, on the wall
    Who is the slyest of them all?
    Let me see; if truth be told
    'Tis little fat Stanley 'Seepage' Mould

    [standard response to Seepage's 'mirror' comments]

    It has happened, but not often. Want to know why it isn't often?
    Because fuckers like you put the mockers on people making flippant
    comments. For instance, a female poster made a joke about her kids
    putting her to bed if she had too much to drink. As a result she was
    repeatedly abused, and it was suggested that she was a poor parent.
    I assume that this is what you are referring to:

    "> I have an IQ of 154 as measured by Mensa, and 164 as measured by
    This brings us back to the issue (previously discussed at length) of
    the differences in the calibration of IQ tests, notably the unusual
    scoring of the Cattel test as used by Mensa.

    Your 154 on Mensa's Cattel test equates to about 135 or so on the more
    widely accepted Wechsler or Stanford-Binet tests. But the 164 you
    scored in the US, if from either of those two, would equal about 196
    on the Cattel scale - a very considerable disparity.

    However, if your US test was also a Cattel test, the difference in
    scores would be more realistic, equating to about 140 for Wechsler or
    143 for Stanford-Binet.

    Assuming that both scores are Cattel tests, the mid-figure of 159
    would equate to 137 and 139 on Wechsler and S-B respectively. So it
    would be reasonable to say that your IQ is about 138 in the generally
    accepted scoring system."

    So, what do you disagree with in that analysis? Do you say that it is
    factually wrong? If so, in what way?

    You say that I believe that I "can predict someonme else's IQ from
    never having met them". Assuming that you mean 'someone', and "never
    having met them" (no "from"), I would suggest that the person who most
    frequently pontificates on the subject of others' intelligence is
    I don't know. Why haven't you answered the question I asked?
    Because if you make two statements formulated "Most people think..."
    and "Others, including me..." it indicates that the latter is
    disagreeing with the former.

    What it says. You have based your assertion that I am David Husband's
    brother upon that one piece of flawed reasoning.
    Well, you wrote:

    " That would almost be the reverse of my old mum. She was born in
    Holland and had a father who was formally stateless but born in
    Germany near the Polish border, and a mother who was born in Belgium
    of French parents (from whom I seem to have inherited my
    recently-diagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency - I only learnt in the
    last fortnight that she had pernicious anaemia all her life)."

    So I suppose that I should have said 'via your mother' to be
    technically correct. The end result is the same, though.
    I see that 'cognitive' is the Mot du jour (even if you do sometimes
    spell it wrongly).
    No, the genetic defect that causes your AD/HD and your allergies, and
    which you passed to your son. I found it quite amusing when you
    commented that Fleur's mother only wanted you as a sperm donor. After
    all, who would pick a defective as a sperm donor?
    Whereas your interpretation of your IQ scores was spot on, was it?

    What's your next claim going to be - That you are a millionaire (but
    in Turkish Lira)?

    Do I?
    Scorer, Sep 28, 2003
  9. But not as poor as you though you pathetic old fart.

    Now why dont you tell everyone why I refuse to communicate with you. Go on
    Hulberk tell them all that you threatened me with a court order to have my
    true income revealed. Funnily enough though the judge said you could not
    have one and that I had nothing to worry about.

    And dont forget about your demanding to know how much my ex-husbands pay in
    maintenance for their children will you.

    TUT TUT silly old fart.
    suzanne.croft, Sep 28, 2003
  10. Oh, when was that Suzanne Croft posting as
    I don't recall making application for such an order Suzanne:
    fantasising again?[/QUOTE]

    Maybe it was a private communication between Judge and cruft :)
    Have they formed a cricket team :)
    Maybe she forgot she had any "Ex Husbands" :)

    ~Obiwan Sensai~, Oct 1, 2003
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