From: "Blueyonder Stan Mould" <[email][/email]> Newsgroups: uk.local.geordie Subject: Re: Geordie Paki Shops Message-ID: <vXbZa.2934$[email][/email]> Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 20:28:27 +0100 Stan Mould:[QUOTE] It might be about time to expose this twit. If anyone has £130 to spare (or one of our members on benefits could do it for free), make[/QUOTE] Aren't you on benefits, Stan? How long have you been on benefits? Stan Mould:[QUOTE] an application to court against his ISP (same as mine (Blueyonder)) to have his name, address and other details divulged to the claimant.[/QUOTE] The reason for any court ordering any disclosure is to facilitate further legal proceedings and for no other reason. Stan Mould:[QUOTE] Then the claimant could issue proceedings against him for damages, if they think they have been libelled or harassed, or at the very least an injunction to stop him repeating his conduct.[/QUOTE] They could try, but in Stan Mould's case he is a paranoid who merely imagines that people are after him. If people really were after him he would have found himself in hospital (or dead) a long time ago. In reality people very soon realise he is a loser, a hopeless paranoid fantasist and malicious bullshitter with some sort of degenerative mental affliction/problem. Stan Mould:[QUOTE] And of course, there is no law to stop his details being published on this, and any other Usenet group.[/QUOTE] Wrong! Anybody doing that will eventually fall foul of the PFHA 1997 as Stan Mould will do in the fullness of time. [QUOTE] Who knows what effect that might have if his address was publicised ... For example, others may also decide to have solicitor's letters sent to him, and also may contemplate proceedings against him. With luck.[/QUOTE] And here Stan Mould reveals his malice and the real reasons why he tries very hard to get court orders to divulge personal information about those he doesn't agree with. Stan Mould proves, as others have said, that his sole purpose in obtaining personal information is to publish it to the internet out of malice and to use it for the further harassment of his many victims. See below: Stan Mould:[QUOTE] Of course, that personal information could also be passed on to the Commission for Racial Equality at [URL][/URL] and a formal complaint made against him.[/QUOTE] So out of malice Stan Mould will use confidential information to further a campaign of malicious complaints as further harassment of his victims as proved above. How is your complaint to the Law Society about Mr Gold getting on, Stan? What about that chap you are obsessed with in you boast you got sacked as a result of your complaints, Stan? What about all these police officers you are on first name terms with, Stan? Still informing to them? Remember Stan, you admitted to being a police informer a little while ago. I'll dig your post out and post it to prove it as I know you will try to deny it. Stan Mould:[QUOTE] A completely odious piece of excrement called Suzanne Croft who lives in Blackburn made racist comments against a woman called Neelu Berry on and these were reported to the CRE. She was also later thrown off her ISP, NTL, for other appalling behaviour following complaints by myself and others.[/QUOTE] Tell us all, Stan, why you were thrown off Blueyonder recently? Stan Mould:[QUOTE] Now, I've successfully gained orders against NTL and AOL to divulge details of their posters. NTL have been more than helpful.[/QUOTE] As usual you bullshit about the true situation. The legal authorities are now wise to you and your fellow nutter James Hulbert and to your many abuses of the legal system, so I expect in future it will be very much harder for you to abuse any legal process. Stan Mould:[QUOTE] If anyone would like to know how to go about getting a court order against Proudy and Blueyonder, email me.[/QUOTE] Stan "Perry Mason-Mr Mensa-ex-SAS" Mould; in reality a nasty malicious obsessed loser who pursues malicious obsessions against many different people. Bang! Bang!