Stan Mould's nasty little game...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by GoldenGun, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. GoldenGun

    GoldenGun Guest

    From: "Blueyonder Stan Mould" <>
    Newsgroups: uk.local.geordie
    Subject: Re: Geordie Paki Shops
    Message-ID: <vXbZa.2934$>
    Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 20:28:27 +0100

    Stan Mould:
    Aren't you on benefits, Stan? How long have you been on benefits?

    Stan Mould:
    The reason for any court ordering any disclosure is to facilitate
    further legal proceedings and for no other reason.

    Stan Mould:
    They could try, but in Stan Mould's case he is a paranoid who merely
    imagines that people are after him. If people really were after him he
    would have found himself in hospital (or dead) a long time ago. In
    reality people very soon realise he is a loser, a hopeless paranoid
    fantasist and malicious bullshitter with some sort of degenerative
    mental affliction/problem.

    Stan Mould:
    Wrong! Anybody doing that will eventually fall foul of the PFHA 1997 as
    Stan Mould will do in the fullness of time.
    And here Stan Mould reveals his malice and the real reasons why he tries
    very hard to get court orders to divulge personal information about
    those he doesn't agree with.

    Stan Mould proves, as others have said, that his sole purpose in
    obtaining personal information is to publish it to the internet out of
    malice and to use it for the further harassment of his many victims. See

    Stan Mould:
    So out of malice Stan Mould will use confidential information to further
    a campaign of malicious complaints as further harassment of his victims
    as proved above.

    How is your complaint to the Law Society about Mr Gold getting on, Stan?

    What about that chap you are obsessed with in you boast you got
    sacked as a result of your complaints, Stan?

    What about all these police officers you are on first name terms with,
    Stan? Still informing to them?

    Remember Stan, you admitted to being a police informer a little while
    ago. I'll dig your post out and post it to prove it as I know you will
    try to deny it.

    Stan Mould:
    Tell us all, Stan, why you were thrown off Blueyonder recently?

    Stan Mould:
    As usual you bullshit about the true situation.

    The legal authorities are now wise to you and your fellow nutter James
    Hulbert and to your many abuses of the legal system, so I expect in
    future it will be very much harder for you to abuse any legal process.

    Stan Mould:
    Stan "Perry Mason-Mr Mensa-ex-SAS" Mould; in reality a nasty malicious
    obsessed loser who pursues malicious obsessions against many different

    Bang! Bang!
    GoldenGun, Sep 25, 2003
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  2. GoldenGun

    marc Guest

    is there any need to post this here. please go away
    marc, Sep 25, 2003
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  3. GoldenGun

    GoldenGun Guest

    Where is "here" Marc?

    GoldenGun, Sep 25, 2003
  4. GoldenGun

    Dr Zoidberg. Guest

    OK , cut that down to "Is there any need to post this"?


    "I laugh in the face of danger"

    "Then I hide until it goes away"
    Dr Zoidberg., Sep 25, 2003
  5. GoldenGun

    GoldenGun Guest

    You can't stop being deceitful and dishonest can you, Jim?

    The claim you refere to was one of many issued by you against a number
    of posters in a blatent abuse of the court system as part of
    your own malicious campaign of harassment and bullying in order, one
    assumes, to control the content of (as Stan Mould also attempts
    to do).

    You chose David Husband as one of your "victims" because he exposed the
    bogus web-site you set-up as part of your unrelenting harassment and
    bullying of Fran Williams of Kent. Fran Williams subsequently suffered a
    nervious breakdown as a direct consequence of your behaviour.

    You were subsequently outmanoeuvred by your opponent David Husband and
    you are unable to get over it.

    You also took one out against Suzanne Croft and in a blatent contempt of
    court and a deliberate abuse of the legal process you published
    confidential personal details you obtained (as part of your legal
    action) about her to the internet (as Stan Mould also does).

    Your abuse of the legal system and court process is virtually identical
    to the abuses your "pupil" Stan Mould inflicts upon the legal system.

    Both Jim Hulbert and Stan Mould have now been "sussed" by the courts who
    have been alerted to their many abuses of the legal system and both
    Hulbert and Mould will find it much more difficult to abuse the system
    in future.

    BTW, Jim, you ought to see what the judges say about you in their

    GoldenGun, Sep 25, 2003
  6. GoldenGun

    GoldenGun Guest

    YES, It *is* necessary to alert others to the activities of Mould and
    his "hero" Hulbert, especially as Mould is now trying/offering to teach
    others how to abuse the legal system by applying for court orders
    against ISP's for the sole purpose of obtaining the personal information
    of others for publication to the internet for malicious reasons. This
    was what his original post in uk.local.geordie was about.

    Wake Up! This is not a game on Mould's part! You may be his next

    He is apparently attempting a large number of court applications to
    ISP's to force the disclosure of email between ISP's customers. God
    knows why. The man is a nutter and a menace, IMO, and the various ISP's
    involved realise this now.

    GoldenGun, Sep 25, 2003
  7. GoldenGun

    GoldenGun Guest

    Oh yes you are by attempting to suggest that the court is initiating the
    claims. That is not true. A large number of claims were issued BY YOU
    (at no cost to yourself) against various posters. The court is
    now wise to your abuses (and Mould's court abuses) and you will both
    find it very difficult to abuse the system again in future.

    In the one claim that has so far been determined, you lost and you have
    been ordered to pay your opponents costs which you have said you would
    never pay. That alone speaks volumes for your motives and lack of
    What do you think, knobhead?

    GoldenGun, Sep 25, 2003
  8. GoldenGun

    Al Guest

    etc etc

    Al, Sep 25, 2003
  9. GoldenGun

    Mash Guest

    So, to cut a long story short, could all you Stan Mould, NTL and lawyer
    wannabes kindly feck off posting this shite to ukrm. Its about as effective
    as campaigning for the Croydon Road number 12 bus stop to be reinstated by
    plastering Japanese sauna rooms with leaflets detailing how much it is

    Or something.
    Mash, Sep 25, 2003
  10. GoldenGun

    GoldenGun Guest

    Oh yes, here it is....
    GoldenGun, Sep 25, 2003
  11. GoldenGun

    GoldenGun Guest

    Yeah, take the pledge..

    I understood Stan Mould threatened a number of people in uk.r.m a little
    while ago?

    GoldenGun, Sep 25, 2003
  12. GoldenGun

    Dr Zoidberg. Guest

    The trouble with the muppets is that they don't stick to one
    posting name for more than a day or so.
    As a result you can't keep track of who is alleged to be posting as who this
    week and it just ends up as a confused bunch of nobodies trading insults and
    reposting all sorts of tat with mixed up attributions


    "I laugh in the face of danger"

    "Then I hide until it goes away"
    Dr Zoidberg., Sep 25, 2003
  13. GoldenGun

    Dan White Guest

    Hmmm... Seems strangely familiar...
    Dan White, Sep 25, 2003
  14. GoldenGun

    Hog Guest

    FFS use your Killfile and stop propogating these wankers!
    Hog, Sep 25, 2003
  15. Mash wrote
    No. I think it is all rather jolly. Childish certainly but jolly as
    steve auvache, Sep 25, 2003
  16. GoldenGun

    Scorer Guest

    Actually, that should be 'tenter-hooks'.

    (As well as being argumentative, we're very, very, pedantic.)
    Scorer, Sep 25, 2003
  17. GoldenGun

    JAB Guest

    Japanese sauna rooms....I see we watch the same tv programmes, for research
    purposes only, obviously. Copyright Pete Townshend.
    JAB, Sep 25, 2003
  18. Well I have news for you sunshine none of them were.
    suzanne.croft, Sep 25, 2003
  19. GoldenGun

    Phil Britton Guest

    Do you think its wise to threaten someone who is possibly on first
    name terms with the police in a public forum? And don't try to say
    that it's not a threat as a judge certainly wouldn;t agree with
    you. oh and BTW stop postin in uk.local.geordie we've got more
    interesting things to read. Like proudy's bottom burps


    Phil Britton, Sep 25, 2003
  20. David, didn't you post just recently saying it was wrong to post addresses, yet
    here you are doing exactly that. Your obsession with Stan will get you into
    trouble for your continued harassment. Take yourself in hand David or get orrice
    to help you out :)))

    _Obiwan-Sensai_, Sep 26, 2003
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