ST Microelectronics closeing

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by redshad, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. redshad

    redshad Guest

    I just got word today that my employer (ST Microelectronics) is
    closing down there two fabs in America. ST Carrollton,Tx and also ST
    Phoenix, Az will be closeing. Although these two fabs remain very
    profitable, they have decided thats just not enough because were are
    high cost fabs. Thats fucked up because this is a French company and
    all there fabs in Europe suck and they loose money but there goverment
    wont let them shut down over there and put 1000's of workers out on
    there ass like they can here. We were always told that as long as we
    remained profitable, that we had nothing to worry about. We have done
    that and went above and beyond what they called for in cost savings.
    We are just not putting enough money in the stock holders pockets.
    They said it could take up to a year or two before all the devices and
    products are shipped over-seas to Singapore or China..isnt that
    lovely. They announced also that if they decided they didnt need you
    at anytime, you can be layed off.

    redshad, Jul 10, 2007
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  2. : I just got word today that my employer (ST Microelectronics) is
    : closing down there two fabs in America. ST Carrollton,Tx and also ST
    : Phoenix, Az will be closeing. Although these two fabs remain very
    : profitable, they have decided thats just not enough because were are
    : high cost fabs. Thats fucked up because this is a French company and
    : all there fabs in Europe suck and they loose money but there goverment
    : wont let them shut down over there and put 1000's of workers out on
    : there ass like they can here. We were always told that as long as we
    : remained profitable, that we had nothing to worry about. We have done
    : that and went above and beyond what they called for in cost savings.
    : We are just not putting enough money in the stock holders pockets.
    : They said it could take up to a year or two before all the devices and
    : products are shipped over-seas to Singapore or China..isnt that
    : lovely. They announced also that if they decided they didnt need you
    : at anytime, you can be layed off.

    That sucks. Good luck in the job hunt.

    Some unsolicited advice: Start looking now. Don't wait until the last
    day hoping for something to change.
    George Pollard, Jul 10, 2007
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  3. redshad

    Ed Hart Guest

    Good advice.
    Ed Hart, Jul 10, 2007
  4. redshad

    redshad Guest

    That sucks. Good luck in the job hunt.
    Yes I know...I worked for Hitachi when they closed down there fab
    after the bottom fell out of memory. I didnt stay there till the end
    either. ST is giving pretty good packages for those who stay but its a
    gamble because at anytime they can tell you bye bye.

    redshad, Jul 11, 2007
  5. redshad

    Brian Walker Guest

    That sucks dude!

    How long do you have before they stop paying the bills? If you don't
    mind the travel, I might be able to help you out.
    Brian Walker, Jul 11, 2007
  6. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn.. Damn.. Double Damn.. I sure hate to hear about it.. See you

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2007
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