
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Krusty, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    If I wanted to mark out an area on a panel with masking tape & spray it
    a different colour, what's the best way to remove the ridge left along
    the edge when the masking tape's removed?

    If it was the same colour I'd just blend it in with T-Cut, but I can't
    help thinking that would trash the definition where the two colours
    Krusty, Nov 1, 2005
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  2. Krusty

    gazzafield Guest

    I have never managed this successfully and have always resorted to using
    stick on coachline to blend them together. Not at all professional but does
    the job.
    gazzafield, Nov 1, 2005
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  3. Angle Grinder?
    Flame Thrower?

    The usual really...

    Chris D
    Chris N Deuchar, Nov 1, 2005
  4. Krusty

    darsy Guest

    extra-wide masking tape and t-cut it before removing the tape?

    I've never tried it, and know nothing about painting panels, so wibble.
    darsy, Nov 1, 2005
  5. If I wanted to mark out an area on a panel with masking tape & spray it
    You could lacquer the entire panel again, but build up more lacquer on
    the lower side, then a final lacquer to make all even.

    Failing that, a paint shop won't charge too much for something like
    philmccormack, Nov 1, 2005
  6. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    Heh, now you've got it :)

    It's not a repair - I'm just thinking about giving the Tig a bit of a
    make-over. It's a total shed (cosmetically) so I don't care it I ****
    it up & have to start from scratch. I s'pose it's more like a challenge
    to see if I can make a half decent job of it.

    Thanks for the advice.
    Krusty, Nov 1, 2005
  7. Krusty

    platypus Guest

    A technique I heard of, years ago, for doing a really smooth job on
    pinstriping, was to do the pinstripes first, on the primer. Then spray the
    rest of the coats over the top of them, and rub down until the pinstripes
    platypus, Nov 2, 2005
  8. Krusty

    Owen Guest

    If you're on a swage-line, you can back-roll, email me for a phone
    no., I'll explain...
    Owen, Nov 2, 2005
  9. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    I don't think I'm ready to take up Extreme Spray Painting just yet.
    Thanks, I shall do that when the time comes.
    Krusty, Nov 2, 2005
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