Spot the man who didn't understand the first time

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by WorkTOG, Jan 23, 2004.

  1. WorkTOG

    WorkTOG Guest

    WorkTOG, Jan 23, 2004
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  2. WorkTOG

    Bantam Guest

    Yeah but he's not too far out from its possible value. Maybe at £750.00
    he would attract a bid though. It wouldn't be an auction bargain

    Having said that, I was bidding on some XS750/850 oil filters (5 of
    them). I guessed £10 plus postage would be a good deal (you can get
    them from Halfords for £3.50 ish). I thought I was highly likely to get
    them until I returned from work to find them gone at £18 plus
    I suppose the buyer will save on some fuel by not having to go to go and
    get any for a while but £4+ each, what's going on?
    Bantam, Jan 23, 2004
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  3. pseudoplatypus, Jan 23, 2004
  4. Some people get caught by auction fever....

    If I'm after something, I set a limit and don't go over it. The other
    day I was bidding on a Piaggio Ape - one of those three wheel pick-ups.
    I was prepared to spend ukp1100, but it went for ukp1170.

    Sounds like I let it go for a mere 70 quid, but the bid increments were
    20 quid, so it would have cost me 1190 - or nearly a ton over my

    And that's assuming the other bidder didn't counter bid.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 23, 2004
  5. The Older Gentleman, Jan 23, 2004
  6. WorkTOG

    Pip Guest

    On Fri, 23 Jan 2004 22:08:35 +0000,
    Not only that, but you don't know what the other bidder's proxy
    maximum was - just because he went 20 quid over the previous bidder
    doesn't mean that he didn't type 1300 quid in the box.
    Pip, Jan 23, 2004
  7. WorkTOG

    Bantam Guest

    I agree, after all there's no point buying by auction if you aren't
    getting it decent deal which would be cheaper than you could get it
    My best buy was a virtually brand new 4into1system for the XJR (I even
    bought it before I got the bike or had even identified one). I bid
    50UKP and then forgot about it; by the end of the week I had won it.
    I suppose there are always occasions when someone will desperately need
    the bits and therefore the price will go ridiculous. But my concern is;
    who desperately needs 5 overpriced oil filters?
    Bantam, Jan 24, 2004
  8. WorkTOG

    Triffid Guest

    Prob with eBay is that if 2 people want one, you ain't gonna get a bargain
    any more. But thanks for pointing it out, the space (Z 750) fooled my
    search routine.
    Triffid, Jan 24, 2004
  9. WorkTOG

    sweller Guest

    I nearly bought a tidy Z750 in 1990 because I thought it looked great but
    it had such abysmal reports I got a GS550 instead. Cheaper to insure too.

    They still look better than the Suzuki.
    sweller, Jan 24, 2004
  10. WorkTOG

    Triffid Guest

    Triffid, Jan 25, 2004
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