Speeding ticket

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Simon Robbins, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. I just got a speeding ticket through today for 2nd of July, on the way
    back from Donington. This is over 5 weeks ago, but since I'd only had
    the bike a few days, I probably wasn't the registered keeper according
    to the DVLA at the time. In this instance I believe the 14 day rule
    doesn't count, but is there another maximum instead?

    Also the NoIP doesn't state the alleged speed, only that it was in
    excess of 30 in a 30 zone. Can I request a copy of the evidence before
    I decide to plead guilty or not? (It's Northamptonshire Police, and a
    manned site. Must've been a van as I certainly would've seen a copper.)


    Simon Robbins, Aug 11, 2006
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  2. Google for Pepipoo website
    Mr Alun Davies, Aug 11, 2006
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  3. Thanks for that. Lots of good info there for sure.

    Simon Robbins, Aug 11, 2006
  4. Simon Robbins

    Kim Bolton Guest

    This sort of thing comes up frequently on uk.legal; you might find it
    worth your while to search Google Groups for relevant threads.

    IANAL, but I would have serious doubts about accepting a FPN for an
    unknown speed.

    With that in mind as well as the five weeks since the alleged offence,
    I would be tempted to let the matter go to court; but you'll need to
    do your homework before making a decision.

    Again, from impressions gained from previous uk.legal postings, it is
    surprising how often the police turn up completely unprepared; it that
    happens you should ask the magistrate to dismiss the case.
    Kim Bolton, Aug 12, 2006
  5. Thanks. I'll give that a look. Pepipoo, as Alun suggested has been
    quite informative so far.

    No, they're just not disclosing the speed until they know they're
    addressing the driver. At the moment I just have to identify who was
    riding it. They claim it's for data protection, i.e. It could be a
    company vehicle and I could get in trouble with the boss, when in
    reality it'd be none of their business. (As the NIP is sent to the
    registered keeper.)
    I've alread checked into the rules on this. Basically they have 14 days
    to inform the registered keeper, which they did. Since I'd just bought
    the bike, that wasn't me yet. A month later when that went unanswered
    they re-issued the NIP, and by that time the DVLA details had been
    updated and they sent it to me. They're covered on that score.
    That's kind of what I'm banking on. Also I remember the town where
    they're saying I was speeding. There was a lot of Donington traffic
    going through it, so I'm hoping there are other vehicles and bikes in
    the picture which could make the reading potentially unreliable. Until
    I know the alleged speed and the device used to obtain it I'm in the
    dark though. To do that I'll have to return the NIP and fess up to riding.


    Simon Robbins, Aug 13, 2006
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