speeding ticket

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Vincent, Sep 13, 2005.

  1. Vincent

    Vincent Guest

    Got caught a couple of weeks allegedly doing 63 kph in a 50 zone
    But, one of the streets named "along "A" street between "B" street and "C"
    street" namely "C" street is not there at all
    The cop named it as Main Street instead of High Street, because locally,
    High Street is known as the Main Street
    Can this ticket be legally and sucessfully defended against with the wrong
    street name ??
    Vincent, Sep 13, 2005
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  2. Vincent

    Boxer Guest

    What State?
    Boxer, Sep 13, 2005
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  3. Vincent

    Birdman Guest

    see a lawyer
    Birdman, Sep 13, 2005
  4. Vincent

    Buzz Guest

    In Victoria and if it was a "Penalty Notice" then the copper would just
    re-issue it if it was found and I use that word FOUND (hint hint) to be

    Buzz, Sep 14, 2005
  5. Vincent

    Smee R1100s Guest

    you also posted this in aus.cars
    Smee R1100s, Sep 14, 2005
  6. Vincent

    moike Guest

    He could post it on the back of the dunny door too. Wouldn't worry me.

    (Of course the answer would still be the same. It isn't the sort of
    "technicality" that gets you off a speeding fine.)

    moike, Sep 14, 2005
  7. Vincent

    Vincent Guest

    Yes I did because car drivers suffer the same penalties as bike riders
    Vincent, Sep 14, 2005
  8. Vincent

    sharkey Guest

    Three options:

    1. the Magistrate is currently annoyed at the Police. You get off.

    2. the Magistrate is currently annoyed at whining little smartarses
    wasting his or her time with trivialities and trying to wriggle out
    of things they should just own up to. You don't get off. You pay costs.

    3. Daddy is a QC. You can afford to pay, but you don't have to.

    It's a matter of luck ...

    sharkey, Sep 15, 2005
  9. Vincent

    Nev.. Guest

    Probably not worth finding out unless there's some precedent already
    set. If you go to court to defend a charge of speeding on Street A and
    and do not provide any form of defence against the charge of speeding on
    Street A you'll probably get what's coming.

    Nev.., Sep 17, 2005
  10. Vincent

    Centurion Guest

    "Denial" by the sound of it.

    Centurion, Sep 17, 2005
  11. Vincent

    Any mistake made on your infringement notice would also question the
    remaining information on the Infringement. My advice to you is that you
    write a letter to the Infringement Processing Bureau and advise them that
    there is no such street in this location identified by the issuing Officer,
    and that if there is no such street how could the offence taken place? And
    if they wish you will pursue this in a court of law. They would be silly to
    proceed with the case as a mistake like this also questions if there has
    been any other mistakes made by the Issuing Officer.

    I have previously had Infringements cancelled due to mistakes made on
    several occasions .
    1. Issued with and Infringement when parking my vehicle beside roadway
    with "For Sale" in windscreen. Issued with Infringement stating "Vehicle
    not on carriageway, Kerb on Boundary". Where there was no "Kerb" Ashphalt
    met no kerb but parkland. - I disputed on these grounds ... Infringement
    This is just one of the "few" that I have beaten the Infringement
    Processing Bearua on and always look for loop holes.

    Good Luck
    Mark Donoghoe, Sep 17, 2005
  12. Vincent

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Knobdoodle, Sep 17, 2005
  13. Vincent

    Greg Guest

    I think you'll find the infringement was cancelled due to the wrong
    offence, not for a mistake in the between streets.

    The between streets are for the issuing officers reference only. If
    you were speeding on "xx" street, and one of the between streets is
    incorrect, ermmm... well, you were still speeding on "xx" street.

    There is a part C which the issuing officer gets to make his own notes
    which you won't get to see unless you decide to take it to court. When
    you get a copy of the part C in the brief of evidence, the officer
    will have marked down another location (to narrow it down as some
    streets a re a few kilomteres long in some areas) eg "os ABC
    highschool". The officer may have even realised his error and ut a
    correction on the bottom of the infringement to clarify this.

    In my experience, most Magistrates in a Local Court will not get tied
    up on such a trivial matter. The argument that "well the between
    street "xx" does not intersect with the main street (that you were
    travelling on) so I couldn't have been there, probably will not work
    with most Magistrates. Otherwise, how did the officer manage to get
    your rego, make and colour (and rego receipt number if he or she is a
    good lad/lass).

    If you are guilty of it, my recommendation is to pay it, otherwise,
    you could end up paying court costs, and, if you really pi*s the
    Magistrate off, you could be paying professional costs to the NSW
    Police Prosecutor.

    You could try a letter to the IPB, they'll ask the NSW Police to
    clarify the street if you're lucky, and then you'll get the standard
    "we have investigated ... blah... blah... Penalty to stand... blah
    blah... your next choice is Court blah blah...

    As another said, if you did the crime, just do the time and cop it
    Greg, Sep 18, 2005
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