Speeding in France

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by des, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. des

    des Guest


    24-year-old bloke clocked at 118 mph, tries to evade plod at 162 mph.

    Gets nicked. Licence revoked, bike confiscated. Due in front of the
    beak in June. At those speeds, he's looking at porridge.

    des, Jun 4, 2008
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  2. des

    ogden Guest

    Is he mainly in the shit for the speeding, or the uberspeeding while
    trying to evade capture?
    ogden, Jun 4, 2008
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  3. des

    des Guest

    191 km/h (118 mph) is 61 km/h (38 mph) over the speed limit, and thus
    takes him into 'delit' territory, which is a 'minor' criminal offence,
    rather than a moving traffic offence. He was looking at six points on
    his licence and a >= 1,500? fine, and/or a three-year suspension of his

    Failing to stop (to 'obtemperer' as we call it) is a criminal offence,
    IIRC the penalty is >= 3 months inside and >= 3,750?. The excess speed
    will compound this ('mise en danger de la vie d'autrui' == 'placing the
    life of another person in danger').

    des, Jun 4, 2008
  4. des

    des Guest



    <= 1,500¤

    des, Jun 4, 2008
  5. des

    TOG@Toil Guest

    I would also speculate that if he managed to do 162mph, then he wasn't
    on a standard limp Froggie-issue 106bhp machine, in which case he's
    got some interesting 'non-homologation' issues pending.
    TOG@Toil, Jun 4, 2008
  6. des

    Eiron Guest

    Flashé? Haven't they got a word of their own?
    Eiron, Jun 4, 2008
  7. des

    wessie Guest


    My 1999 CBR600FX made about that sort of power and had a top speed of
    wessie, Jun 4, 2008
  8. des

    Domènec Guest

    "Ridiculizing Gendarmerie fleet of Renault/Peugeot/Citroen" is considered a
    Domènec, Jun 4, 2008
  9. des

    TOG@Toil Guest

    There's a real world difference of up to 10mph between the absolute,
    absolute maximum that a skinny little pro road tester will wring out
    of a carefully set-up and blueprinted factory bike, and what Joe
    Grenouille will manage on the road.

    OTOH, who knows if the gendarmes' radar was accurate?
    TOG@Toil, Jun 4, 2008
  10. des

    des Guest

    What's more intriguing is that 'conventional wisdom' in France held that
    radars were ineffective against motorcycles, as the latter have no flat
    surface at the front off which Laura Noder can bounce her radar.

    Once plod were in pursuit, however, I suspect that their onboard video
    camera and speedos did the deed, and so the initial reading will
    probably not be relevant.

    des, Jun 4, 2008
  11. des

    des Guest

    Well on my emasculated FJR1300, I saw an _indicated_ [1] 260 km/h, which
    equates to 162 mph. Let's say 145 mph true. Is it beyond the realm of
    imagination that a hypersports machine could hit a real 160 ?


    [1] I emphasise: _indicated_
    des, Jun 4, 2008
  12. des

    des Guest

    We're too busy searching for a French translation of 'entrepreneur'.

    des, Jun 4, 2008
  13. des

    Beav Guest

    Ask George'


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Jun 4, 2008
  14. des

    Pip Luscher Guest

    Pip Luscher, Jun 6, 2008
  15. des

    Pip Luscher Guest

    Foreign-built bike, probably.
    Pip Luscher, Jun 6, 2008
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