Speed MotoGP replay on Tuesday...or Not?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by Shel, May 2, 2006.

  1. Shel

    Shel Guest

    I usually manage to catch, or at least tape, the races on Sunday, but
    I left the pigs to look after themselves and spent the day at
    Shannonville for the first regional of the season(that'd be in Ontario
    Canada, ya'll)....
    Figured I would just tape 'em Tuesday and watch them when I got
    home....but the 250 race is on the sked, but no replay of what sounds
    like a real cracker of a MotoGP race????
    Why is there (apparently) no replay on the Turkish MotoGP race at any
    other time in the future either?
    This is very frustrating and makes me wonder if the voices are right
    about someone needin' a killin'.....

    Cheerlessly, Shel

    @Tuesday : May 2, 2006
    @Time Program Description Rating
    @12:00 pm AMA Supercross Lites Irving NR
    @1:00 pm AMA Supersport Fontana NR
    @2:00 pm MotoGP 250 Turkey NR
    @3:00 pm AMA Superbike Championship California Speedway - Day 1 NR
    @4:00 pm AMA Superbike Championship California Speedway - Day 2 NR
    @5:00 pm AMA Formula Xtreme Fontana NR
    Shel, May 2, 2006
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  2. Shel

    Shel Guest

    Hey Tom,

    The last thing I read had him with busted toes on his left foot,
    unspecified injuries to both knees and several cracked vertebrae, but
    that's news from 5-6 days old.

    The first national here is May 21st, so I doubt if he'll make it
    out...on the other hand, he's ridden hurt before and if he's half as
    tough as Miguel, he might just be in the saddle

    Pascal would be 36-7 now, no doubt it's much more work and longer to
    recover each time at his age...

    On the one hand, considering how sore I was after a 1st gear front end
    tuck in a sloooooow hairpin a couple of years ago, at 44 today, I hate
    to even think what a moderate crash would feel like these days....

    On the other, battling for glory in the middle of the pack in
    sportsman light/vintage on an ex500 is not typically a place where one
    is pushing the limits of one's envelope, eh? (gratuitous Canadianism
    thrown in there.....)

    Come to think of it, it's good thing I ain't a better rider, I might
    really get hurt!?

    Cheers, Shel
    Shel, May 2, 2006
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  3. Shel

    This old Bob Guest

    If you can use bittorrent you can get eurosport race coverage, plus qual and
    warm-up. I can't post the link here but if you email me...
    This old Bob, May 2, 2006
  4. Shel

    byronbussey Guest

    I grabbed the current Ch 10, (aussie) bittorrent floating about. Very
    The 250cc race is INSANE. Check out the last lap if you want to see a
    couple of riders crap in their riding gear. :)

    byronbussey, May 8, 2006
  5. Shel

    S Frank Guest

    can someone email me the link to the bittorrent for the 250cc Turkey race?
    S Frank, May 10, 2006
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