Speed limits too low

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by rayone, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. rayone

    rayone Guest

    I think Australia needs to wake and realise that the speed limits
    imposed on it's citizens are MUCH TOO slow.

    The maximum speed limit is 110kmh.

    In the US many states have 80mph (130kmh) speed limits.

    In Europe the average is 120kmh.

    What is wrong about speed, except that the government has done the
    studies and found out that people think the speed is too low and as a
    result generally want to drive faster which gives them the opportunity
    to become highway robbers.

    Wake up the government DOES NOT have your safety in mind, they have
    your wallet in mind.

    They will let another country abduct our citizens and keep them caged
    up for years WITH OUT charge!

    They've sold our workers rights.

    They keep the country down.

    I'm sick and tired of this. Australia has the potential to be the
    greatest country in the world and I would like it to be.

    But I think there is a lack of democracy. The government doesn't
    represent the people and is doing things it's own way... the pig
    headed self centered taxing way.

    Just wait for the Carbon tax buddy... and it going to go on finding
    new energy sources, it's going to go on bureaucracy and those "Earth"
    conferences. I love this planet and everything in it more than most,
    but I hate the people who destroyed it not fixing the problem or
    finding alternatives and TAXING my SLOW ass to serfdom.

    I'm ready for revolution. The system is broken and I don't want a
    politician trying to fix it. I want real informed members of the
    community trying to fix it. Mothers, Pharmacist's, Factory workers,
    Executive's, IT professionals, Biker's, trucker's. They can propose
    ideas and we can vote for them. NOT choose between dumb & dumber lying
    bastards and hope for the best.

    That's my rant over.
    rayone, Mar 13, 2007
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  2. rayone

    Big Bird Guest

    So...Australia can be the best country in the world by raising the max
    speed limit ???
    Big Bird, Mar 13, 2007
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  3. rayone

    Nev.. Guest

    The max speed limit in Australia is 130kph.

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Mar 14, 2007
  4. rayone

    justAL Guest

    Is that good or bad?


    justAL, Mar 14, 2007
  5. rayone

    Tex Guest

    Well they can vote LDP at the next elections....if the LDP can be bothered
    Tex, Mar 14, 2007
  6. rayone

    alxr Guest

    You can go much faster if you pay a pleasure tax.
    alxr, Mar 14, 2007
  7. rayone

    fred.kroft Guest

    It isn't that bad. If the state government wanted to be really
    nasty, then they would move some of the driving laws under
    OHS&W. You have done 7 K over the limit. Oh dear, that's a
    hefty $5000 fine !
    fred.kroft, Mar 17, 2007
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