speed channel in US is useless

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by baz, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. baz

    baz Guest

    Speed Channel in the US and Canada lists the Czech MotoGP on their
    programming schedule but what do we get instead? More effin NASCAR. As
    if 20 out of every 24 hours kissing NASCAR butt isn't enough. They
    should rename it the NASCAR station and be done with it.
    This last minute pulling of MotoGP has happened too often.
    I'm dumping Speed Channel from my Satellite package. Time to watch
    MotoGP on the net. To bad it's controlled by Dorna, but I guess I'll
    trade the completely incompetent morons for the somewhat incompetent
    baz, Aug 21, 2006
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  2. I was living in Canada when SpeedVision first started. Half the time
    when they did show a bike race, it just went blank in Canada as they
    didn't have the rights ot show it there. Then when they eventually
    sorted it out they changed the programming to omit bikes almost
    altogether anyway. Me and virtually everyone I knew wrote letters to
    complain about the NASCARisation and were told they'd done the research
    and were only responding to what their audience surveys told them folks
    wanted to watch...

    I found most North American tv to be like that. Loads of channels but
    all any of them want to show is syndicated repeats of Seinfeld and
    Friends. (Oh, and enough commercial breaks to drive anyone crazy.)

    Simon Robbins, Aug 21, 2006
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  3. baz

    Pip Guest

    <checks newsgroup in headers>

    Pip, Aug 21, 2006
  4. baz

    muddy Guest


    Yes, actually. I watched WSB from Brno . I think MotoGP is on the DVR
    but CBA to check just now.
    muddy, Aug 21, 2006
  5. I did wonder myself, but thought hey, maybe there are uk readers with
    access to US channels, maybe USAF servicemen for instance. (Though why
    they'd want to try and bother with SpeedVision in that case is beyond me.)

    Simon Robbins, Aug 21, 2006
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