Speed camera down

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by MattG, Sep 6, 2006.

  1. MattG

    MattG Guest

    MattG, Sep 6, 2006
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  2. MattG

    Hog Guest

    That article tells me several things I didn't know and to be rather more
    devious on any future "jaunts".
    TBF that would only be if I lived on the mainland again.
    Hog, Sep 6, 2006
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  3. MattG

    Ken Guest

    If that was a speed cam, and it had an internal hard drive, the drive would
    certainly have been fucked if thermite was used!

    More likely there was a traffic monitoring cam nearby, and the images from
    that how were how the guy got pigged.

    Thermite is something that can be easily made at home, and full details of
    how to do it are in the "Anarchist Cookbook" which is available free online.

    I wouldnt think it that difficult to come up with a really effective
    thermite device, which could be easily made at home, and very effective in
    regard to destroying sheet metal enclosures!

    Ken, Sep 6, 2006
  4. MattG

    Steve Parry Guest

    Interesting to note they've started rolling out the watchman technology

    "The Watchman camera is currently on trial awaiting type approval prior to a
    national installation programme. Like the Gatso, a constant stream of radar
    is emitted and speed is calculated as a vehicle passes through, triggering
    the camera. The difference with this camera is that it can monitor the speed
    of a vehicle before you pass it. There are also two types of camera built
    into the head unit. One is used to take an overview of the road and the
    other is used as a Number Plate Recognition System. You will see these
    cameras often accompanied by a "speed board" which displays the speed limit
    for that stretch of road."

    Steve Parry, Sep 6, 2006
  5. steve auvache, Sep 6, 2006
  6. MattG

    Tunku Guest

    Heh, so if it is on trial, it wouldn't be legal to prosecute him anyway?
    For speeding that is, not burning it.
    Tunku, Sep 6, 2006
  7. You thick, thick ****.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Sep 6, 2006
  8. MattG

    Ken Guest

    Pray tell us how he did get pigged then so foul mouthed one!

    Ken, Sep 7, 2006
  9. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ
    Are you going to pay any attention?

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Podium Placed Ducati Race Engineer As featured in
    Performance Bikes

    SBS#39 OMF#6 Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Suzuki TS250 "The Africa Single" Yamaha Vmax Honda ST1100 wiv trailer
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Sep 7, 2006
  10. MattG

    Hog Guest

    Yeah but you are a good boy
    Hog, Sep 10, 2006
  11. MattG

    John Bilberg Guest

    Champ skrev:
    Platy's solution?
    John Bilberg, Sep 10, 2006
  12. MattG

    Hog Guest

    FFS you just can't help some people with their Public Persona
    Hog, Sep 10, 2006
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