Nidge fumbled, fiddled and fingered: well apart from raising the penalty there's less trafpol about apparently so again the chance of detection are slim. I travel 18 miles to work, (a lot of which is on B roads) and must see at least 6 people a day using their cellphones. I've already decided it's going to be relocated to the sunvisor ... and nicely hidden away. With a easily accessible power switch mounted somewhere erm easily accessible. It would not surprise me at all. Given the Government does'nt seem to actually listen to what us lowly voters actually want I for one would happily chuck my vote at someone who would put the brakes on this automated camera policing. I'm surprised that the motoring organisations don't get off their arse's and get a little more aggressive for their members. Having seen the car on trial the other night that reduces your speed to the speed limit using GPS info, and apparently the system could cost as little as 100 quid ... how long before such a device is compulsory on motorcycles. So who's standing from here then -- Steve Parry K100RS SE & F650 and a 520i SE Touring for comfort (not forgetting the SK90PY)
You comments receive no argument from me. For better or worse, times have changed, the "compensation culture" has crept in and people are more prepared to assert their rights nowadays than perhaps they were in the mid-to-late 1970s.
Truvelos dont use radar so are not detected by radar only devices. Most new camera locations are Truvelo. Saying that, a new camera on the A421 at Gt Barford has just gone up, and its a Gatso, pointing at the old Truvelo 10 meters away from it. -- ColonelTupperware, spouting bollocks on Usenet since 1997 Usenet FAQ at UPCE FAQ at UKRM FAQ at ad infinitum -- ColonelTupperware, spouting bollocks on Usenet since 1997 Usenet FAQ at UPCE FAQ at UKRM FAQ at
Loops in the road surface. -- ColonelTupperware, spouting bollocks on Usenet since 1997 Usenet FAQ at UPCE FAQ at UKRM FAQ at
Speed cameras on Scalextric now? Just before 'that' bend I hope. Them drivirs all go to fast their. You all play safely now.
Steve Parry says... Only worthless over here. Dublin dealers paid me shitloads for the ones I took over there.
It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the They probably thought it was an apple. -- Dave GS 850 x2 / SE 6a SbS#6 DIAABTCOD#16 APOSTLE#6 FUB#3 FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10