Speed Camera Detectors to be Banned!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mike, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. Mike

    Purditer Guest

    Moe Moslem?
    Purditer, Jul 23, 2004
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  2. Mike

    Martin Guest

    Surely thay are simply doing now what they think they will be allowed to
    They are penguins!!!

    A penguin is the afterlife for a nun!!!

    The nun in Blues Brothers is funny
    Martin, Jul 23, 2004
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  3. Mike

    PeterE Guest

    You could say that about plenty of taxes - nobody has to work, do they? Or
    drink alcohol, or smoke tobacco? So "the vast majority of taxes" is a bit of
    an overstatement, isn't it?
    PeterE, Jul 23, 2004
  4. Mike

    JohnB Guest

    Well, I suppose you could count say that its your choice if you live or not.
    So all tax is choice. We'll never hear you moaning about taxes again

    John B
    JohnB, Jul 23, 2004
  5. Mike

    JohnB Guest

    No, thankfully no one has ever forced me to.

    John B
    JohnB, Jul 23, 2004
  6. Mike

    Ian Henden Guest

    But they're all on holiday now......
    Ian Henden, Jul 23, 2004
  7. Mike

    The Reids Guest

    Following up to steve auvache
    none of those start in "mo".
    The Reids, Jul 26, 2004
  8. Mike

    The Reids Guest

    Following up to JohnB
    and the reason the government know they can pile on car taxes is
    that the vast majority will not give up their cars.
    The Reids, Jul 26, 2004
  9. Mike

    Ace Guest

    What, exactly, is it you're saying is so bad? You want to run a
    motorised vehicle(s) but don't think you should pay road tax? OK Fine,
    than you'll just have to pay it elsewhere. Oh, the motorist is paying
    far more than is pushed back into road building and maintenance? Well,
    are these the only facilitites you use, and the only ones that are
    even slightly affected by cars on the road?

    Some other countries pay an even higher amount than you do - over
    £200/year for my volvo and slightly less for my wife's little peugeot,
    although the bike is, IIRC, cheaper than the UK at around £45/year.
    Ace, Jul 26, 2004
  10. Mike

    John Wright Guest

    I'm not so sure about the "will" in your statement. You won't find
    many people if any who will travel perhaps miles by some other form of
    transport (walk, bike, bus) to a cold wet railway station, for
    example to wait for a train that might or might not have been
    cancelled, or wait in a bus queue in the pouring rain (which we get a
    lot of in the UK*) rather than travel by car. It would take something
    of a loony to give up a warm air conditioned car for that.

    * its said in jest that the Icelanders have 13 different words for
    snow. How many words do the British have for rain?
    John Wright

    Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
    Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

    Groucho Marx
    John Wright, Jul 27, 2004
  11. Mike

    The Reids Guest

    Following up to John Wright
    how about the "will not"? :)
    precipitation, wet, a fall of rain; sprinkle,
    soft day, drizzle, mizzle, Scotch mist,
    shower, rainstorm, cloudburst,
    torrent, downpour, deluge,
    squall, thunderstorm. hyetal,
    pluvial, pluvious.dreitch,
    pelt down, be
    pelting down, tip down, be
    tipping down, come down in
    torrents/sheets, rain cats and
    dogs, beat down, lash down,
    sheet down, come down, fall,
    shower drizzle, spit; informal be
    chucking it down; bucket down, be bucketing
    down, come down in
    buckets/bucketloads, come
    down in stair rods, tipple down,
    be tippling down
    The Reids, Jul 28, 2004
  12. Mike

    Cab Guest

    The Reids bored us all completely to death with wittery prose along the
    lines of:
    The French have a couple of phrases. One is "It's raining cord/string"
    and the other is, "It's raining like a pissing cow"

    Cab :^) - almost as fast as G.i.n.g.e.
    GSX 1400 - 'Tarts Handbag' (tm) Bike, dead 550/4 Rat
    UKRMMA#10 (KoTL), IbW#015, Bob#4, POTM#3

    email addy : cab_at_ukrm_dot_org
    Cab, Jul 28, 2004
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