Speed Awareness course - longish and dull

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Verdigris, Oct 18, 2003.

  1. Verdigris

    Verdigris Guest

    A couple of months ago, I got a nasty letter in the post from Thames
    Valley Police, saying that I'd been spotted doing 96 on the M40 and they
    were going to do me for it, but because they liked me, they'd only do me a
    _little_ bit provided I did a Speed Awareness course.

    Well, yesterday I did that thing.

    The course was run by Drivetech, who apparently do a lot of advanced
    training for various corporations eager to keep their sales reps intact.
    They have two sites at the moment; I opted for Crowthorne. It's actually
    on the same site as the TRL.

    After a brief introduction, we had some computer stuff: a questionnaire
    aimed at discovering our habits; a hazard awareness thing which I guess is
    rather like the one in the current driving test; a couple more things to
    see how fast we like to ride/drive and also how close we'll ride/drive to
    other vehicles.

    (This information is partly as feedback for the attendees, but it's also
    being used for some research being done by a guy at Reading. All

    We each got an individual summary and assesment afterwards. According to
    mine, I'm mostly pretty average, but like to drive much faster than
    "average" and my hazard awareness is excellent.

    Some of the video stuff - particularly on speed and tailgating - I found a
    bit difficult. Not technically, but the clips didn't make it easy to
    judge speed and distance.

    A few of the questions were a bit iffy, too. Like "If provoked would you
    react with physical violence." (I paraphrase.) Well, almost *anyone*
    would react violently if provoked enough, so that's a bit dumb. Several
    other dodgy questions, especially where they're trying to ascertain your
    emotional state whilst riding/driving etc.

    Anyhow: after the computer stuff there was a lecture/presentation.
    Various accident figures and a load of stuff about how stopping distances
    are affected by speed. Nothing terribly interesting in there, but then
    I'm reasonably familiar with a lot of the figures.

    A short break, then the final part: an assessed ride. For the car
    drivers, (I was the only motorcyclist there), they used Drivetech's own
    vehicles, but us bikers have to provide our own transport, which is fair
    enough. It did mean my tax-disc left my wallet for the first time in
    four years.

    The assessed ride was OK. The instructor wasn't anal about speed limits
    and offerred to take us out westwards, so I wouldn't have so far to go
    home which was nice of him.

    Not a cheap experience - £100 for the course, plus £60 for the fixed
    penalty, plus 160 miles; so call it about £200, plus a day off work. I
    _might_ have gotten away with less than that in court, but I'd be a little
    surprised. And this way I guarantee it's only 3 points, so my insurance
    won't suffer too much - if at all.

    Any other thoughts on it? Well, I wasn't convinced by their spiel on the
    wonders of speed^W Road Safety Cameras but I kept my mouth shut. I was a
    bit surprised at some of the other people on the course: a couple others
    who'd been done on motorways, like me, but most of them were for 50ish in
    a 30 limit, which I found a little alarming.

    Not a painful experience, and almost certainly better than the alternative.
    Verdigris, Oct 18, 2003
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  2. Verdigris

    joe parkin Guest

    Why bother, it will be well out of date?
    joe parkin, Oct 18, 2003
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  3. Verdigris

    Rocket Guest

    Thought you was supposed to do the course instead of a fine and points?
    Rocket, Oct 19, 2003
  4. Rocket wrote
    *Less* fine and points is how I read it.
    steve auvache, Oct 19, 2003
  5. Verdigris

    jsp Guest

    Round here it works that way for <40 in a 30. Apparently.

    I don't know about other limits.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Oct 19, 2003
  6. Verdigris

    Verdigris Guest

    I got the impression that Thames Valley do it differently: there's no
    escaping a fixed penalty but if you were going too fast for that, but no
    so fast that you're in automatic ban/dangerous driving territory you get
    the chance of the course.
    Verdigris, Oct 19, 2003
  7. Verdigris

    Verdigris Guest

    *Lower* fine and *fewer* points, is how we'd put it in English.
    Verdigris, Oct 19, 2003
  8. Verdigris wrote
    I am not sure about the necessity for emphasis on "fewer."
    steve auvache, Oct 20, 2003
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