There's a chap who lurks hereabouts who's a dispensing optician. Can anyone tell me who it is please. I'm in desperate need of new glasses. -- Lozzo Suzuki SV650S K5 Honda CBR600 FW trackbike Yamaha SR250 Spazz-Trakka Suzuki GSXR750 L Suzuki TS50X Suzuki TS50X
Oonn 222444 AApprr, 111555:2228888, """LLLoozzzzzooo" wwwrroottteee: DDooonnn'ttt ttteeelll hhhiiimmm,,, PPPiiikkkeee!!!
RDS Rick Sanderson -- Jeweller R100RT Formerly: James Captain, A10, C15, B25, Dnepr M16 solo, R80/7, R100RT (green!)
Many thanks -- Lozzo Suzuki SV650S K5 Honda CBR600 FW trackbike Yamaha SR250 Spazz-Trakka Suzuki GSXR750 L Suzuki TS50X Suzuki TS50X
Ya fahn cahn -- Lozzo Suzuki SV650S K5 Honda CBR600 FW trackbike Yamaha SR250 Spazz-Trakka Suzuki GSXR750 L Suzuki TS50X Suzuki TS50X
Ping "RDS" as that's his posting name and Rick is his real name. He's good too and his prices are MORE than good. -- Beav VN 750 Zed 1000 OMF# 19
I am negotiating the purchase of something smaller (well the same size, but in 2 pieces), hopefully I won't have to shift it. We are about to move into a shop, I will be in the basement where I belong.