Speaking of the French

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Tosspot, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. Tosspot

    Tosspot Guest


    You know, I secretly harbour a desire to be French. I reckon, out of
    all the European countries, they are closest to being governed with the
    support of the people. Heaven help the French government that steps out
    of line.

    Anyone remember the farmers driving sheep through the centre of Paris.
    I'd love to see that news clip with a farmer beating a riot policemen
    over the head with a sheep.
    Tosspot, Mar 10, 2005
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  2. Tosspot

    Preston Kemp Guest

    Bunch of bloody whingers. We should let the French government borrow
    Maggie Thatcher for a few years to crush their unions - that'll sort
    'em out.
    Preston Kemp, Mar 10, 2005
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  3. Tosspot

    Tosspot Guest

    Hmmm..."and in the red corner we have..". Be an interesting match, cos
    I dont think the average French worker needs a union to go on strike.
    Tosspot, Mar 10, 2005
  4. Tosspot

    Preston Kemp Guest

    Maybe not, but without the power of their blackmailing-brothers behind
    them I doubt their little hissy-fits would achieve anything other than
    unemployment (with a bit of luck).
    Preston Kemp, Mar 10, 2005
  5. Tosspot

    gazzafield Guest

    Have you noticed that their government seems to listen to them and when it
    doesn't they throw the toys out of the pram. In contrast our government
    just doesn't give a **** what the people think. Compare and contrast.
    gazzafield, Mar 10, 2005
  6. ....or indeed, an excuse.
    Soylent Green, Mar 10, 2005
  7. It couldn't be done. The right to strike isn't dependent on organic law
    like in the UK. It's enshrined in the preamble to the Constitution of 1946
    (Article 7), and this preamble is referenced in the current Constitution,
    that of 1958.

    It's thus (practically) impossible to 'outlaw' strikes here, for the right
    to strike is, to borrow a term from another similar document, the Supreme
    Law of the Land.
    genuine_froggie, Mar 14, 2005
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