SP30 in the post

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by BGN, May 15, 2005.

  1. BGN

    BGN Guest

    Bugger it.

    39mph in a 30, static camera which has been there for years and I go
    past it twice a day but I just... forgot. Was facing the correct
    direction for a GATSO numberplate shot and everything :(

    I didn't notice it go off (I was facing away from the camera and it
    was bright and sunny) but by the time I realised how fast I was going
    (and put on the brakes) I was already half way through the road


    I suppose getting an SP30 is better than getting clocked doing 110 on
    the bike, or 150 in the car on a motorway - I don't know how I managed
    to keep my licence clean for so long.

    I guess I'll find out if there was any film in it in a couple of
    weeks. Pissflaps and buggery.
    BGN, May 15, 2005
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  2. BGN

    wessie Guest

    BGN emerged from their own little world to say
    Stop drinking Red Bull and take some CX717
    wessie, May 15, 2005
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  3. BGN

    Catman Guest

    12 days to go on mine. In the car as wel FFS :(

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7 155 TS 75 TS
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, May 15, 2005
  4. BGN

    Robbo Guest

    Go back and take a look at it properly, there may not have even been a
    camera in it.
    If there was I understand they are unable to remain intact after pikeys set
    fire to a tyre around the column.



    Trophy 1200 1998
    BotaFOF #19. E.O.S.M 2001/2002/2003/2004.
    B.O.S.M 2003, 2004, 2005
    FURSWB#1 KotL..YTC449
    Robbo, May 15, 2005
  5. BGN

    sweller Guest

    I think 42+ the worry speed.
    sweller, May 15, 2005
  6. BGN

    joe parkin Guest

    I've just recieved one for 37mph. My first for 5 years.
    Camera has been unused for a couple of years, and as it is in the
    Durham district where there are no cameras, I thought I would be ok.
    Northumbria police have taken it over for some strange reason.
    joe parkin, May 15, 2005
  7. BGN

    BGN Guest

    When I pick on it in the mornings sometimes (It's a very old Gatso and
    one can set it off by going at it head on (wrong way)) it doesn't
    normally take a pickie until one is doing over 40... but I just
    thought it was a fault in that model.

    BGN, May 15, 2005
  8. BGN

    wessie Guest

    BGN emerged from their own little world to say
    could be a good sign - they only flash as you approach them face on if
    there is no film

    you may be lucky in that it is an old one left for deterrent porpoises
    wessie, May 15, 2005
  9. BGN

    Hooligan Guest

    BGN did scribe:
    Hard luck mate.

    I've got my fingers crossed at the moment.

    There's a stretch near me whihc is dual carriageway, but has a 40
    limit. I, and eveyone else, normally go down there at 50 - 60. There
    was a camera van on it yesterday.

    I was just about to overtake the line of cars I had caught, when I saw
    it, and put the anchors on. I'm just hoping they got the cars infront
    of me but couldn't get the camera on me specifically.

    John (jsp)

    SV 650
    Black it is
    And Naked
    Hooligan, May 15, 2005
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