Sorry about Kill Filing you James Wilson...meant to KF someone else. As soon as ol' bill is willing to see my records from my military service and apologize in public for his lies about that AND any supposed criminal records (that do not exist)...I'll lay off the lying scum bag. Fair enough for you? I've left one person hanging because they forged my signature on an official army document...I might bend the rules for a troop if I knew it was a one time offense, but forgery? Sorry no will do. -- Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt jewelry once in a while. Dum vivimus, vivamus <3 )3~ <3 )3~ <3 )~ <3 )~
Well it's pretty nasty for a lager...but NOT nearly as bad as Buttwiper and few others I can't stand. For Texas brews in order of brewery it has to be Shiner, Pearl(serve it DAMN cold, like a pilsen is supposed to be served) Celis... Right now I'm rather Fond of Moose Drool... -- Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt jewelry once in a while. Dum vivimus, vivamus <3 )3~ <3 )3~ <3 )~ <3 )~
Hey Keith, how would James know you kilFiled him, if you didnt tell him? I still don't understand the kF theory....Did you mash the wrong key? and it killed out Mr. Wilson? If you killed me and filed me away somewher, would I know it? would I be in trouble? Still, seems so stupid, to me. -------------------------------------------- keith talking below) <>Sorry about Kill Filing you James Wilson...meant to KF someone else. As soon as ol' bill is willing to see my records from my military service and apologize in public for his lies about that AND any supposed criminal records (that do not exist)...I'll lay off the lying scum bag. Fair enough for you? I've left one person hanging because they forged my signature on an official army document...I might bend the rules for a troop if I knew it was a one time offense, but forgery? Sorry no will do.<>Keith<> --
LMAO.. Bjay.. Bjay.. Ol' Keith is the biggest damn coward on usenet.. He tells people that scares him to death, that he's gonna KillFile him .. Then he keeps on telling them what he's going to do them while he's pretending that he can't see what they are saying about him... He reminds me all those Bell kids that grew up around Maud.. whoo hooo.. Regards Bjay..