I've been working through my bits of vehicles that need sorn declaring despite them being just a chassis. I have a bare 400/4 frame than I can't do online. I get this message: Unable to Use Service Unfortunately, because of the tax class of the vehicle or recent changes to the vehicle record, you are currently unable to apply for a tax disc or declare SORN using this service. You will need to apply for the tax disc or declare SORN at a licence-issuing Post Office® or DVLA Local Office (as applicable for the vehicle) using the reminder (Vehicle Licence Application/SORN Declaration) or the Registration Document/Certificate together with the Insurance Certificate or Cover Note, MOT Test Certificate/GVT Test Certificate (if applicable) and fee. It appears to put me in an impossible situation. I don't have a reminder (it's never been anything but a frame when in my possession) just the registration documents. It certainly cant be MOT'd and there's no point insuring it. I suppose I'll have to phone them up......