Son of Simes...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by JackH, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. JackH

    JackH Guest

    .... I never knew he lived down my road.

    "The following is a true story... names haven't been changed to protect the,
    (in their mothers eyes at least), innocent"

    So there I am earlier on, out on the drive, about to get into the shite old
    BMW, when I see, (or should that be initially hear), the usual marauding
    horde of all recently turned 16 scrotes turn into the road on an assortment
    of hairdrying devices.

    Upon noticing that the rest of the 'big up' posse are festering as per
    usual, in the garden of the disfunctional 'tards who live opposites place,
    scootay totting toerag No.1 attempts to skid as cooly as he can, to a
    halt... unfortunately, scootay totting toerag No.2, apparently only has eyes
    for one of the biatches in said garden to their left, and none for the road,
    (complete with its assortment of small kids playing etc, amongst other
    obstacles), and carried on going, straight into the back of the first one.

    No permanent damage, apparently, other than to various egos, and one Gilera
    Runner indicator.
    JackH, Dec 30, 2004
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