Something To Think About

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 28, 2004.

  1. <> I Post this, mainly because it explains a Historical part of How
    the U.S. Constitution came about and how important Religious Faith was
    over 200 years ago! I don't know if this piece is true. I have not
    visited the U.S. Capitol.
    If it is true, some will appreciate the content, and some will not. I am
    not a very religious man, but, I appreciate the principles, of how, our
    country was founded by our foreFathers. Hope this post doesnt offend
    anyone. ..ßjåy...
    U.S. ten commandments and Christian influence
    As you walk up the steps to the building which houses the US Supreme
    Court you can see near the top of the building a row of the world's law
    and each one is facing one in the middle who is facing forward with a
    frontal view -- it is Moses and he is holding the Ten Commandments!
    As you enter the Supreme Court courtroom, the two huge oak doors have
    the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door.
    As you sit inside the courtroom, you can see the wall, right above where
    the Supreme Court judges sit, a display of the Ten Commandments!
    There are Bible verses etched in stone all over the Federal Buildings
    and Monuments in Washington, DC
    James Madison, the fourth president, known as "The Father of Our
    Constitution" made the following statement "We have staked the whole of
    all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for
    self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern
    ourselves, to control
    ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of
    Patrick Henry, that patriot and Founding Father of our country said, "It
    cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation
    was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but
    on the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
    Every session of Congress begins with a prayer by a paid preacher, whose
    salary has been paid by the taxpayer since 1777.
    Fifty-two of the 55 founders of the Constitution were members of the
    established orthodox churches in the colonies.
    Thomas Jefferson worried that the Courts would overstep their authority
    and instead of interpreting the law would begin making
    oligarchy....the rule of few over many.
    The very first Supreme Court Justice, John Jay, said, "Americans should
    select and prefer Christians as their rulers."
    How, then, have we gotten to the point that everything we have done for
    220 years in this country is now suddenly wrong and unconstitutional?
    Please forward this to everyone you can. Lets put it around the world
    and let the world see and remember what this great country was built on.

    ‹›Håvé Gøøð ðå¥, åmîgø‹›ßjåy‹›
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 28, 2004
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  2. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Mike S. Guest


    For some additional info on this, please see:

    And, no, I wasn't offended. Urban legends and usenet postings are
    somewhat of a hobby of mine.

    I know, get out and ride more.
    Mike S., Dec 28, 2004
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  3. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Dixon Ranch Guest

    Not anything to do with motorcycles!!!!!!!
    Dixon Ranch, Jan 1, 2005
  4. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Your impatience is understandable.. Just bear with a for a little while
    furthur.. Mark Johnson is busily discrediting himself, even more.. Thanks..
    Bill Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  5. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whew... what the hell do you care, anyway ? Me and others on this newsgroup
    have requested you to start a thread that does have something to do with
    motorcycles.. The response from you has been deafening... "NOTHING"...

    There are threads in this group that describe rides and discuss motorcycle
    related issues.. The only threads that you seem interested in are the ones
    in which you respond by complaining of "no motorcycle content".. Either STFU
    with you nonsense or post something...
    Bill Walker, Jan 1, 2005
  6. <>below is my original post/topic, about the Ten Commandments being in
    all Federal Buildings.etc. I received this by email, and thought it was
    interesting, from a historical stand point. I don't think it has
    offended anyone. I have learned some stuff,from this ongoing thread of
    thought, in this most knowledgeable NG. One person, responded to this
    subject by saying ''what does this have to do with motorcyles..'' I told
    him that it shows that we're not just a bunch of dumb bikers, and that
    we like discussing a variety of subjects. One final note, no one ever
    wins in a discussion about Religion, and politics. But its interesting
    to discuss, and historically always has been a popular topic.
    I certainly didnt know of some of the faiths mentioned, excisted in

    (original post)(12.28.04)
    <> I Post this, mainly because it explains a Historical part of How the
    U.S. Constitution came about and how important Religious Faith was over
    200 years ago! I don't know if this piece is true. I have not visited
    the U.S. Capitol.
    If it is true, some will appreciate the content, and some will not. I am
    not a very religious man, but, I appreciate the principles, of how, our
    country was founded by our foreFathers. Hope this post doesnt offend
    anyone.     ..ßjåy...

    ‹›‘Have a Good'un’›››BJAY›››
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 1, 2005
  7. absolutely correct, articles of faith cannot be argued by reason.
    unfortunately some people will use that for attacks in a variety of
    forms. the historical record is clear on that over centuries of human
    existance, much of it not very pretty. America is a rare beacon of light
    shining protection upon the minority from the tyranny of the majority.
    some people can't stand that sort of freedom.

    Popular because many will argue it, but it's a circular argument after a
    while and goes nowhere. Usually best avoided, imo.
    When you have a country that draws people from all over the world, they
    will be bring their traditions with them. By the third generation of
    that immigrant family, they are thoroghly assimilated into American life
    while also cognizant of their own cultural roots, thereby adding to the
    complex tapestry that is America. Naturally this occurs first in the
    major Ports of Entry where the immigrants first settle, then move on
    after a generation or two. It is a unique strength that no other
    country in the world can match and is likely one of the main reasons we
    have been successful as a nation. This is something to be enjoyed and
    celebrated as it would be terribly boring if we were all the same.

    FWIW, we had a great Thai dinner last nite, New Years Eve, in a small
    restaurant run by Thai immigrant family. Blackeyed peas and a roast
    turkey etc were on the menu today while Tex-Mex was the dinner two nites
    ago and Italian the nite before that. Cultural diversity works out
    rather well if you let it happen and all parties are willing to
    (but i'm still not at all sure about haggis. <g>)
    another viewer, Jan 2, 2005
  8. <>!!<>~FWIW, we had a great Thai dinner last nite, New Years Eve, in a
    small restaurant run by Thai immigrant family. Blackeyed peas and a
    roast turkey etc were on the menu today while Tex-Mex was the dinner two
    nites ago and Italian the nite before that. Cultural diversity works out
    rather well if you let it happen and all parties are willing to
    (but i'm still not at all sure about haggis. <g>)
    Iron Butt Assoc., WATR 4X, BL3 paparazzi,
    " - Jonathon Swift
    above is your last paragraph of some intersting view points and a some
    historical information, about this ongoing discussion of American
    Reigion/Faiths, and traditionally how so many other Faiths have come
    <>I like your summation of how you and yours, celebrated the last day of
    2004. I did notice, there was no Pork mentioned. Are you certain those
    blackEyed Peas, were not seasoned by some good old ham hock? (kidding)
    I'Ve enjoyed our exchange of views, & hope all is well, and hope no
    feelings were stepped on<>!!<>

    ‹›‘Have a Good'un’›››BJAY›››
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 3, 2005
  9. oh there was a good dose of bacon in with the peas as well as a touch of
    jalpeño. it varies depending upon what's immediately available.

    hey, i'm cool, i have no problem exchanging views with people who have
    an open mind and don't lose it when someone says something different.
    things like that can be difficult on usenet because there is no good
    method of seeing the expression on the posters face to clarify the words
    typed, hence the emoticons that get used to some extent. presumably
    there is a common ground found and everyone learns something to their
    mutual benefit. there are always those who won't open up and are locked
    into their own particular dogma for whatever reasons. those folks don't
    do so well in this eviron because there is a sense of freedom from
    normal convention and conduct that people wouldn't do in person. that's
    usually a follow-on to the difficulties they similarly face in day to
    day existence and dealing with people. it gets magnified here.

    fwiw, have you ever scanned the manual about "nettiquette" ? it does
    exist and it is the protocols for posting on usenet amongst other
    things. it's a worthwhile read and explains many of the conventions
    used, how and why they came about and why they are a good idea to
    follow. one of my favorite summations:

    A: It destroys the logical flow of discourse
    Q: Why is top posting frowned upon ?

    other pearls of netwisdom can be found here:
    another viewer, Jan 4, 2005
  10. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Not hardly... sleaze... IF you ever worked up enough balls to tell me that
    my wife was posing on one of your disgusting porn sites.. or that my son
    neglected my grand daughter and caused her death... I stomp your pus gutted
    ass ... You know that.. That's why you tried to remain an anonymous son of
    a bitch for so long.. That's why you tried to hide your name when you
    thought there was a chance I'd walk in on your sorry ass..
    Better add another .. This one is mine... "Never... Never attack another
    posters family.. i.e. wife.. mother... children ... Never ... Ever ...
    accuse a man of molesting his child or neglect her and cause her death...
    And one more for the road ..John Moran... Never.. Never .. allow Bill Walker
    to Ever.. EVER... catch your sorry ass out in the open, after you have
    committed all those crimes against him...
    Bill Walker, Jan 4, 2005
  11. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Louie Guest

    Stop it AV, I don't know how you do it...the game warden will get you,
    you gotta be over ur limit for the day...

    Why, you've even got'em coming up with their own bait.

    Louie, Jan 4, 2005
  12. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Group Hug... shithead.... Did you deliver that message, yet... ooops..
    forgot... the"handler" reads the newsgroup.. huh.. sport ??
    Bill Walker, Jan 4, 2005
  13. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Translation: damn.. that ol' boy is strappin' it on your sorry ass, AV...
    Can't think of anything else to help.. so I'll talk about this fishin'
    shit.. some more.. hmmm maybe none of the guys in here ever went fishin' and
    that'll distract 'em...

    No way... dum.. dum... John Moran fired his ass with his sleazy bullshit..
    Notice... you and I are about all he's got.. Even most of the people who
    don't like me, won't tolerate a sleaze like him... Just another sleaze would
    try to defend the sorry bastard....
    Bill Walker, Jan 4, 2005

  14. and as you can see, BJ, some people like Bill are happy to insult and
    curse others to no end until someone flames him back in return. then he
    takes it oh-so-personally. he forgets how abusive he has been for so
    long to so many other people now that his feelings have been hurt.
    Bill loves to give it, loves to start the insults and cursing but he
    can't take it in return without getting all huffy. any disagreement
    with him quickly devolves into the same old four letter diatribe.
    That's why he's on so many ignore lists and is the source of endless
    jokes in the motorcycle groups, a perfect example of someone who is
    closed minded and locked into their own dogma to their own detriment on
    oh well....
    another viewer, Jan 4, 2005

  15. you know how when you go out to the goldfish pond, and they all come up
    to the top looking to be fed ?
    same thing. stupid fish.
    another viewer, Jan 4, 2005

  16. dood, i think you got a nibble......
    another viewer, Jan 4, 2005
  17. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Translation : sheesh... that dude is relentless.. He's pounding my ass
    with all this sleazy shit I've pulled .. Damn.. can't even change the
    subject, can I ....LMAO...

    Sorry crud.. your sleaze selling days are almost over...
    Bill Walker, Jan 4, 2005

  18. actually you served a good example for that discussion. thank you.

    carry on.
    another viewer, Jan 4, 2005
  19. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Translation: Damn... what's up with this guy.. hmmm.. I know.. I'll make a
    profound comment and appear justified..

    No way in hell scumbag... You shit in your pants on this newsgroup, a long
    time ago.. Even the new guys on the group have scoped out your sleazy
    character.. Did I offer you a way out.. Sure I did.. Ask me..
    Bill Walker, Jan 4, 2005
  20. ~~~~<><>~~~~~and as you can see, BJ, some people like Bill are happy to
    insult and curse others to no end until someone flames him back in
    return. then he takes it oh-so-personally. he forgets how abusive he has
    been for so long to so many other people now that his feelings have been
    hurt. Bill loves to give it, loves to start the insults and cursing but
    he can't take it in return without getting all huffy.   any
    disagreement with him quickly devolves into the same old four letter
    diatribe. That's why he's on so many ignore lists and is the source of
    endless jokes in the motorcycle groups, a perfect example of someone who
    is closed minded and locked into their own dogma to their own detriment
    on usenet.
    oh well....
    --Another Viewer~~
    I don't know crap from cronola, about some of the ''knockdown/dragout''
    discussion going. I judge any ones remarks at face value, of course, in
    here it's ''phrase value'' (Grin). Disagreeing is part of the discussion
    between folks. To me, it would be boring to come in here and read down
    the line, the new post, and at the end, (bottom posting), type in
    ''well said'', 'I agree'', ''blah,blah,blah''
    I expect, not to totally agree. I can always find one paragraph, and
    make a contriversary out ot it, and you know you can too. I know Louie
    and mark can. Mark is one of the best. But, that's a healthy
    manner/skill to get others in on it. One more thing: I laugh, when I see
    how a
    ''subject about the 10 Commandments''
    has turned into such a ''heated'' thread, of nothing similar to original
    post. Don't get me wrong, I have read down the line, it's just hard for
    me to respond to somehing I know nothing about.

    ‹›‘Have a Good'un’›››BJAY›››
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 4, 2005
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