Something to think about

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    With the topic continually coming up for a breathe of air, but turning
    out to be stale with each time, I'm finding this "I stand on my own
    feet, you should try it sometime" statement more and more frequently.
    It's almost like a little jab to cower someone down.

    What I'm finding is the one's who make that sort of statement are
    generally the one's who depend the most on the government or social
    programs. There are right now an estimated 45 million people without
    healthcare insurance. How do they get those numbers? Simple, the same
    as they get the numbers for unemployment figures...the number of
    people who are signed up for programs for assistance. What do those
    programs amount to? For someone having health insurance and having
    maintained it for the majority of my life and having two kids born and
    raised under insurance coverage with or without good economic
    conditions, those programs amount to "welfare healthcare". Keep in
    mind also, those 45 million people represent many Republican voters
    who are telling people "quit depending on the government and using tax

    I find the people who speak out against unions are generally the one's
    who are part of unions themselves and run to the union everytime they
    have something bad happen. I turn on the Monday evening news and hear
    a police officer in Dallas complaining about "unions" and how they're
    dragging down this country...and how we need to outlaw all of them.
    Tuesday rolls around and I hear of a Dallas police officer fired or
    reprimanded for conduct. Wednesday gets here and sure enough, the lead
    story is "Dallas police officer ... has filed a greivance with the
    police association to request...". Wait a minute here, isn't a police
    association a UNION?

    I find the people who complain about people using government programs
    to help with relief are the same one's who generally use those
    programs. A perfect example of this would be these past weeks while we
    witnessed hurricanes hitting Florida. We already know the "makeup" of
    the voters in Florida by the 2000 election. It would seem that the
    panhandle of the state is largely Republican and mostly have a mindset
    to support yourself and not depend on the government. Yet when those
    hurricanes hit, we find those same people out in front of a pile of
    rubble crying and begging for the government to step in a help
    out...because they lost everything and didn't have insurance to cover

    I'm finding quite a bit of people talk about "my tax dollars" when
    they talk about individuals getting help to survive for another week
    or two, yet say nothing about the countless amounts going to
    corporations. I turn on the TV, open a newspaper or magazine and hear
    about the airline industry being bailed out by money given by our
    government...our tax dollars. I continue to hear about large
    government contractors being bailed out after a series of over-charges
    by our government...our tax dollars.

    I for one am tired of the rhetoric portrayed by this. Have we become
    so "shallow" as to deny someone relief to their life, while insisting
    and/or demanding they receive relief when they need it? Have we become
    so simple to the one's around us as we don't understand that people
    should be able to live without having to beat each other up for who
    gets what? I don't use government assistance. I work for myself in a
    company that doesn't do business with government directly or it's
    contractors. I have health insurance and homeowners insurance. With
    that said, I don't have a problem with someone who needs long as they support and give back to those programs.
    Many of the people and examples I've given trend to one segment of
    society. At this point, I'm sick enough by listening to people talking
    down programs for relief to others while they are themselves using it
    that I'm thinking we need an extra question on the "sign up"
    form..."cast your vote in support this program for future use by
    others". If someone answers no, then send them on their way. If
    someone answers yes, then hold them to it and make sure they help
    others and supports the programs by voting for it in the future.

    At that point, I'm sure there would be quite a number of people turn
    around and start realizing that these programs are put in place for
    one help ALL OF US!
    Brian Walker, Sep 23, 2004
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  2. your post is about 10 feet down my screen. just an observation......bjay
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 23, 2004
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  3. Brian Walker

    fullstate Guest

    Try a smaller font and better glasses?


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Sep 24, 2004
  4. Try a smaller font and better glasses?
    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    If I tried any smaller "font" and paid any more fer my glasses...I'd
    have to sell something.......not only that...Scrolling is scrolling no
    matter if ya have a 48' screen...I thinK???????hmmmm?
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 25, 2004
  5. another example is: when someone sends me an email and it's onena those
    fwd.fwd.fwd's with about 102 addys on it...that's way to much down
    scroling for me...I loose interest....bjay
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 25, 2004
  6. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I was just envious that he had that big of a monitor!!!
    Brian Walker, Sep 25, 2004
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