Something to remember

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ovenpaa, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. Ovenpaa

    Ovenpaa Guest

    Rule no 14b

    Always check which setting a beard trimmer is on before
    using it.
    Ovenpaa, Nov 5, 2004
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  2. Ovenpaa

    SteveH Guest

    Setting? When I do my head / beard I take the guard off completely.
    SteveH, Nov 5, 2004
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  3. Ovenpaa

    Loz H Guest

    Easier not to shave. Remember, winter is around the corner. A full
    face-fungus *rocks* in those conditions. I`m heading happily for the "Early
    Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull" look this winter. It`s all the rage..
    Loz H, Nov 5, 2004
  4. Ovenpaa

    Cab Guest

    .... to you only. :)
    Cab, Nov 6, 2004
  5. Ovenpaa

    'Hog Guest

    ****! I went to my Grandad's funeral in 2003 with a no.1 around the sides
    and 2 on top for this very reason. Cold it was.
    'Hog, Nov 6, 2004
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