Something Nice To See

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by fullstate, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    I flew out last Sunday to El Paso, TX. We hung out at a little gate
    at DFW airport waiting on the plane. As you can probably imagine,
    there were quite a few service men waiting on the flight in their
    uniforms. Fort Bliss is located in El Paso.

    I had said my thanks to some random soldiers as I waited on my flight.

    When the plane was ready to board the gate agent announced that they
    would be allowing those in the service to board before first class.
    What was really great is that these people got a standing ovation from
    everyone there. Cheers went out and these people were a bit
    embarrassed but grateful to be treated like the good and decent human
    beings that they are.

    As I got on the plane I noticed first class was full of men in
    uniform. I later found out that everyone in first class had given up
    their seats for them. I don't know if you have ever flown first
    class, but it's not cheap and it sure is comfy!

    It turns out almost everyone on the flight was in the service. It was
    really touching to see these people given the honor and respect
    deserved by our troops.

    Keep up the good work, folks.....we are getting there.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Sep 19, 2004
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  2. fullstate

    Bill Walker Guest

    With all that warm heart, Albert.. feel free to enlist in a branch of the
    military .. Really show you support Albert.. go help 'em.. Some of those
    folks would love to get back to their families and their motorcycles, jobs
    and other things that you blithely take for granted..

    Instead of all this nonsensical support on a newsgroup, maybe you could
    manage a visit to a VA hospital, or some damned thing.. Mewling little
    Bill Walker, Sep 20, 2004
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  3. fullstate

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hey Trash... here's a thought.. You and Albert Nurick might consider doing
    something REAL meaningful and enlist in a branch of the military, this
    week.. Get you fat ass over there and support those guys, maybe some of them
    might get to come home to the families.. huh ? That's meaningful..

    No.. I thought NOT.. that's too meaningful for you, isn't it ? Soooo...
    since that is "out".. Maybe you and Albert could get together and just make
    the rounds of a few of the VA hospitals to make sure those guys got
    everything they need..

    Bet you don't do that either.. All your SUPPORT seems to consist of your
    phony, mewling, drivel on a usenet group..

    Send me another e-mail.. you trashy tramp..
    Bill Walker, Sep 20, 2004
  4. fullstate

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nothing in my posts to those two idots responding to your noteworthy post
    has any bearing on it's merit.. Any time a group of Americans are
    appreciative of our men and women in uniform , I am delighted..

    The VA hospitals around the country are filling up with those military men
    and women each week.. Even though it is out of the way .. any effort to
    visit with them and make sure they are getting the treatment and attention
    they deserve is another way to show support..

    When people like the two responding to your heartwarming post, respond as
    they have.. I must admit.. I am disgusted.. Please excuse my responses to
    them for that is not a reflection of my feelings toward your commendable
    post and observations.. Just these two disgusting examples of indecency...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 20, 2004
  5. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    I don't take it personal, Bill. I know that not everyone on the group
    gets along with each other. And based on the limited amount of
    knowledge I have regarding these situations I have my own opinions.

    I'll tell you what, though. When I get back after a couple of weeks
    if I am able to ride - which I think I will be - you and I will take a
    day ride to get some catfish. Any VA hospitals you want to hit en
    route are fine by me. ;-)


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Sep 20, 2004
  6. (in part)
    As I got on the plane I noticed first class was full of men in uniform.
    I later found out that everyone in first class had given up their seats
    for them. I don't know if you have ever flown first class, but it's not
    cheap and it sure is comfy!
    It turns out almost everyone on the flight was in the service. It was
    really touching to see these people given the honor and respect deserved
    by our troops.
    Keep up the good work, folks.....we are getting there.
    I can imagine how thrilling that was to see Americans in true
    spirit,makes your heart
    feel good....especially thinking that most of the soldiers were probably
    18 years and up, Kids, in my view....bjay 9.22.04
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 22, 2004
  7. fullState says)
    I don't take it personal, Bill. I know that not everyone on the group
    gets along with each other. And based on the limited amount of knowledge
    I have regarding these situations I have my own opinions.
    I'll tell you what, though. When I get back after a couple of weeks if I
    am able to ride - which I think I will be - you and I will take a day
    ride to get some catfish. Any VA hospitals you want to hit en route are
    fine by me. ;-)
    Maybe you auto take it personal. I am a little disappointed that your
    buddy BW couldnt refrain from thinking negatvie, in his response to your
    supreme positive "post". I thought as I read your personal comments of
    something so touching, that I just knew this would be a thread of
    nothing but nice sentiments...on down the
    negativenss......should I feel this way? Am I wrong, Mr. fullstate?
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 22, 2004
  8. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    No, I don't think you are wrong.....but I don't take it personal that
    folks on the group can't get along. It would be nice to see a
    positive thread stay positive, though. ;-)


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Sep 24, 2004
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