Someone threw a rock (and hit me) on Hwy 9 today (Warning - blood)

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by ~= Moike =~, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. ~= Moike =~

    Steve Guest

    Might have been yer garden variety hooligan, just as easily.
    Don't like it? Don't listen to the sound. Simple, no?

    Too simple; ok. I'll type more slowly. Repetitive sounds can be
    filtered from your consciousness by training your 'ear' to ignore them.
    It is not a difficult process; all you have to do is fail to break
    your concentration when you hear the offending noise. Each time you
    continue doing whatever it is that you were doing at the time you hear
    the 'noise', your ear learns to filter it out a little bit more. This
    is how people who live near train tracks remain sane and cognizant of
    their surroundings.
    Possible, probable -- or shut the **** up, you worthless hag. Your
    input has been discriminated previously and found wanting.


    Steve, Jul 7, 2006
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  2. ~= Moike =~

    Steve Guest

    This area? The 'little mutants hereabouts' go so far as to lure their
    victims to their road and ambush of choice, ain't that so Geoff?


    Steve, Jul 7, 2006
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  3. ~= Moike =~

    Geoff Miller Guest

    : Treehuggers in general are assholes, Peter Pedant.

    Yes, they do. And fried chicken -- your liberal sensitivity

    I'll never forget the sight of my (very blonde) brother and
    stepmother inside a Church's Fried Chicken place. Not to put
    too fine a point on it, but the phrase "cueballs in a coal bin"
    comes to mind.

    Geoff Miller, Jul 7, 2006
  4. And of course tree huggers began with the Sierra Club.

    The well-known Chipko Andolan literally means 'Hug the Trees
    Movement', which originated from an incident in a remote village
    high up in the Himalayas in 1972. The bare facts of the incident
    are that there was a dispute between the local villagers and a
    logging contractor who had been allowed to fell trees in a forest
    close to the village.

    On the particular day, there was a meeting with the related government
    officials in their office away from the village, for which most of the
    had gone. In the meanwhile, the contractor's workers appeared in the
    forest to cut the trees while the men folk were absent. Undeterred, the
    women of the Reni village reached the forest quickly and clasped the
    tree trunks thus preventing the workers from putting their axes and
    saws to the trees.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jul 7, 2006
  5. ~= Moike =~

    James Clark Guest

    On May 27, one of those damn trees threw a pine cone at me on SR35.

    I say clearcut them all!!!
    James Clark, Jul 7, 2006
  6. ~= Moike =~

    Alan Moore Guest

    You seem to have some sort of problem. I'm a rocket scientist, not a
    psychiatrist, so I won't attempt a diagnosis...

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Jul 7, 2006
  7. ~= Moike =~

    Alan Moore Guest

    and it will never pose a risk of altering the normal character of

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Jul 7, 2006
  8. Um, Mister Anonymous Troll, the Monster is a Ducati model, a brand name.
    The Vampires are a motorcycle club. Ooooh, spooky!
    I'm not sure your tender ears constitute a legal basis for citing
    someone. In fact, it's very difficult to do so -- without an
    A-weighted SPL at a specified distance, etc. etc.

    How about you just crawl back under your rock and do something
    else with your (obviously) copious spare time. The next time
    you manage to chew through your restraints, posting in the
    haze induced by anti-psychotic medication, try another newsgroup.
    Michael Sierchio, Jul 7, 2006
  9. ~= Moike =~

    barbz Guest

    I'm willing to consider that theory, as well! :)

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, Jul 7, 2006
  10. ~= Moike =~

    barbz Guest

    You lump us all together as squids, backpedal a little, then seem to
    think you've made a point when you get the expected reaction.
    You're a bigot, plain and simple. A biker bigot. We all like tacos and
    watermelon too. (actually, I DO like tacos and watermelon, but that's
    not the point.) The only "case" you've rested is the one where your tiny
    mind can't distinguish between squids and responsible adults enjoying
    the PUBLIC roads.

    Your reading comprehension ain't so great either, after Moike described
    how they were riding, you blab off on some tangent about using the roads
    as a racecourse. You lost me right there. Obviously you have some drum
    to bang, so the facts aren't gonna bother you much.

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, Jul 7, 2006
  11. ~= Moike =~

    barbz Guest

    Oh my ghod, you're a fucking moron! Whatever the club name, however he
    describes his Duck, the fact remains that you're overlooking the part
    where Moike mentioned that they weren't racing, he was leading a group
    that had some slower riders, he couldn't have put it more clearly.

    Club, moron, not "gang." Pull your head out of the dark and try reading
    for comprehension some day. What an idiot! Here's a tip, wear a rope of
    garlic around your neck from now on...and carry a vial of holy water.
    Just make sure the lid's on tight so nobody will think you wet yourself
    Kiddies get crushed by ATVs all the time. But, considering your
    cognitive abilities (Vampires, heh) go ahead, let him ride.
    "Oh, we got another call/letter from that crackpot up on 9, whining
    about the bikers again."

    You just do that, Binky. "Officer, they were...they were...RIDING ON THE
    ROAD! And I think they were exceeding the speed limit and..." The
    horror! "Bike menace..." yeah, go suck gas, ya whiner. I get 60 mpg, run
    a higher risk of injury in an accident, and you're whining about a
    little noise and speed. What an absolute tard you are! Well, if you
    wanna but LE with your lame complaints, you go right ahead. And keep an
    eye on that ATV while you're at it, daddy!

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, Jul 7, 2006
  12. ~= Moike =~

    Paul Elliot Guest

    I'll never forget the time Willy Mays wife and mother-in-law brought
    their Rolls Royce Silver Cloud into our shop on the way to a picnic
    because the british cooling system was not handling summer heat well.
    As we checked out the system, the most wonderful aroma of fried chicken
    filled the shop. the back seat area of the car was FILLED with all the
    components of a fried chicken feast. The Conolly leather must have held
    that scent for many months...
    Just because it's a stereotype, it doesn't make it false.
    The Mays family BTW, are wonderful folks.
    PC Paul
    89 PC800
    77 R100RS

    Trip pics at:

    "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to
    society" - Theodore Roosevelt
    Paul Elliot, Jul 7, 2006

  13. Here's a curse you may use:

    May the bleeding piles possess you,
    and corns adorn your feet.
    May crab lice, big as spiders,
    crawl on your ass and eat.

    And when you're old and gray
    and a syphilitic wreck,
    May your spine fall through your asshole
    and break your fucking neck!
    Michael Sierchio, Jul 7, 2006
  14. ~= Moike =~

    ~= Moike =~ Guest

    ~= Moike =~ wrote:

    Here's the Bruise o' the Day... And I edited the post on the
    first page of the BARF thread to include the pictures that Dillan
    took on site when the event happened and during our ride.

    BARF Thread ~

    My arm hurts...

    ~= Moike =~, Jul 7, 2006
  15. "Vampires" is taken from "The Lost Boys", a vampire movie set
    in the thinly disguised town of Santa Cruz.

    I heard they've got flocks of killer birds there too.

    Obviously anybody from Santa Cruz is evil and should be pelted
    with rocks to drive them away.
    One problem is that when you call in the LEOs, they also
    hand out lots of speeding tickets to local commuters. Sauce
    for the goose, sauce for the gander.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jul 7, 2006
  16. ~= Moike =~

    Geoff Miller Guest

    : Yes, they do. And fried chicken -- your liberal sensitivity
    : notwithstanding.
    BWAHAHA! I had a friend in high school who sometimes called me that.
    (And occasionally "**** lips," often shortened to just "C.L.")

    I made an offhand remark about liberal sensitivity, and you somehow
    deduced from this that I'm a neocon? That's quite a curve you're
    attempting to plot on the basis of a single data point, I have to
    say. Or do you use "neocon" as an indiscriminate term of derision,
    much like junior high school boys use the word "faggot?"

    (You know what a neocon really is, don't you? A liberal who grew up.)

    Oh, I'm more the _National Review_- and _Commentary_-subscribing sort
    of conservative than the Rush Limbaugh-listening sort. Although I have
    to say, I think Ann Coulter is a hoot. (And quite the hottie, in the

    Geoff Miller, Jul 7, 2006
  17. ~= Moike =~

    Geoff Miller Guest

    I attended my first baseball game at the age of seven, when I went up
    to Candlestick Park with my father and great uncle and got to see the
    Giants get beaten by the Mets. On the way out afterward, we saw Willie
    Mays sitting in his gold Cadillac, surrounded by fans, signing autographs.

    Geoff Miller, Jul 7, 2006
  18. ~= Moike =~

    ~= Moike =~ Guest

    Hey, if you're going to...

    - Own a coffee shop with elevators that open up inside the area of
    your coffee shop proper from the parking garage below...
    - Freak out and act like a total ass when a Motorcycle Club and
    some friends who have never set foot inside your establishment
    prior to that moment walk through the door to purchase goods at
    your shop...
    - Get the local PD wound up to the point where even the local PD
    is saying "Guy, WTF is your damage?"

    Some weeks down the road you can expect a few hundred cubic
    feet worth of acrid tire smoke to come rolling into your establishment
    like magic from two empty elevators during your prime time rush.

    Note the difference here between an annoying practical joke and
    assault and battery with a hurled blunt object.

    Mac: "But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun"
    Thorny: "And his shenanigans are cruel and tragic"
    - Super Troopers, 2001
    It seems to be a running theme in the club... We love our firearms,
    and we love honing our skills with them. Not like that means much
    in this State. I carry MkIII pepper spray straight from the Galls
    catalog. Legal, and makes you wish you'd been shot instead.

    ~= Moike =~, Jul 8, 2006
  19. ~= Moike =~

    ~= Moike =~ Guest

    As a point of clarification the Club was here long before the
    movie was.

    Our club has roots in the SF Bay Area and Santa Cruz back to the 50's.
    Some of those original members from the first generation of the
    Vampires M.C. are still alive and kicking should anybody doubt my
    being on the level. They passed the legacy to us, the second
    generation over twelve years ago. And we have worked very hard to
    keep the spirit of the Club alive with our chapter here, and in
    San Francisco.

    And if anybody needs some clarification as to what that spirit is, our
    stone set into the walkway between turn 7 and 8 out at Laguna Seca
    sums it up nicely...

    Where do you think those movie goofballs got the idea to put them
    on motorcycles?

    ~= Moike =~, Jul 8, 2006
  20. ~= Moike =~

    barbz Guest's like the difference between chaining a dead skunk to
    somebody's steel welded entryway, as opposed to stuffing a live, rabid
    skunk down their pants.

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, Jul 8, 2006
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