Some old Aussie snogs

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ivan D. Reid, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. Ivan D. Reid

    Ivan D. Reid Guest

    Somehow I managed to stumble across a reference to an old favorite
    song tonight, so I looked it up on U-Bend. Which led to the following list
    of songs, which may not be the best of their examples on the site but
    reminds me strongly of my Uni days in the 70s.

    .... or, live and slightly different:


    For motorcyclists and ghouls (definitely a favorite!):

    Another favorite from the album:

    A powerful song, but a lot of contradictions to me (I'll elaborate if
    anyone cares):

    But I always cry when I hear this one (slightly hijacked by a Canuck):

    OTOH, here's a good old blast from the past:
    Unlike me, Normie didn't escape conscription to fight in VietNam -- sort of
    Australia's Elvis at the time
    Ivan D. Reid, Dec 11, 2010
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  2. Wotcha.
    That's one I often play and more than once I've struggled to keep a stiff
    upper lip when singing.
    ^..^ Lone Wolf, Dec 11, 2010
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  3. Ivan D. Reid

    Ivan D. Reid Guest

    'Ello! Keepin' warm?

    Ivan Reid, School of Engineering & Design, _____________ CMS Collaboration,
    Brunel University. Ivan.Reid@[|] Room 40-1-B12, CERN
    GSX600F, RG250WD "You Porsche. Me pass!" DoD #484 JKLO#003, 005
    WP7# 3000 LC Unit #2368 (tinlc) UKMC#00009 BOTAFOT#16 UKRMMA#7 (Hon)
    KotPT -- "for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty".
    Ivan D. Reid, Dec 11, 2010
  4. Ivan D. Reid

    wessie Guest

    June Tabor sings a very haunting version of that
    wessie, Dec 11, 2010
  5. Wotcha.
    Warm ? Positively tropical today, up as high as nine degrees - didn't
    bother with hat or gloves when I took the trike over to my mate's workshop.
    There again, it is only a mile away ;-)
    ^..^ Lone Wolf, Dec 11, 2010
  6. Ivan D. Reid

    geoff Guest

    Yes, That and the "green fields of france" (?) - aka William Macbride

    Got the original vinyl somewhere

    Really hits you when you hear "that " verse for the first time
    geoff, Dec 11, 2010
  7. Ivan D. Reid

    geoff Guest

    Looks very sexy and very menacing on the album cover

    Surely Ivan should be singing the transports
    geoff, Dec 11, 2010
  8. Ivan D. Reid

    wessie Guest

    I had that, along with many other Free Reed albums on LP. Gave them all to
    Rees & his son when I moved in 2002.
    wessie, Dec 12, 2010
  9. Ivan D. Reid

    Nige Guest

    Awesome by the pogues.



    'Candygram for Mongo'

    Nige, Dec 12, 2010
  10. Ivan D. Reid

    Ivan D. Reid Guest

    As far as I'm aware none of my European ancestors were transported,
    they all came over as free immigrants in the 1890-1910 time-frame.
    Ivan D. Reid, Dec 12, 2010
  11. Ivan D. Reid

    bobharvey Guest

    That doesn't mean their neighbours were broken hearted that they went,
    of course...
    bobharvey, Dec 12, 2010
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