Sold as seen...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by platypus, Aug 22, 2004.

  1. platypus

    platypus Guest

    This chap: priceless. He's trying to out three old shitheap Hondas, but not only
    can't he be arsed to wheel them out of the shed, he can't be arsed to lift
    all the other junk off them so he can take a decent picture. Instead, what
    you get are detail close-ups[1] of some pretty unappealing kit. Although,
    fair play, you get a very clear idea of condition...

    [1] Over half a meg each, ffs.[2]
    [2] Pictures on his website, here:
    platypus, Aug 22, 2004
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  2. I don't know what's wrong with people these days - bit of Solvol, couple of
    bulbs, they'd be right as rain. :eek:)

    Mungo \two sheds\ Toadfoot, Aug 22, 2004
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