SOB valuation please...TOG?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Dave Eades, May 26, 2004.

  1. Dave Eades

    Ben Guest

    Because a lot of English people live in South Wales and commute to
    Bristol and the like?
    Ben, May 27, 2004
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  2. Dave Eades

    Champ Guest

    And ex-pats are always more nationalistic. (cf Gibralter, Northern
    Ireland, etc).
    Champ, May 27, 2004
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  3. Dave Eades

    darsy Guest

    interesting definition of "ex-pat" there. Make sure you use it over
    the weekend...
    darsy, May 27, 2004
  4. Dave Eades

    porl Guest

    I missed something. What's just happened to promote this sense of patriotism
    and unity?
    porl, May 27, 2004
  5. Dave Eades

    flashgorman Guest

    We won the cricket apparently.
    flashgorman, May 27, 2004
  6. Dave Eades

    Champ Guest

    heh. thought that might raise some comment.

    Is Downpatrick and environs orange or green?
    Champ, May 27, 2004
  7. Dave Eades

    darsy Guest

    Downpatrick is mostly "shit". Just check the colour of the kerb, and
    see what flags are flying - this will keep you right for most of N.I.
    darsy, May 27, 2004
  8. Dave Eades

    Ben Guest

    Dunno to be honest.

    My reasoning behind a discrete George Cross[1] on the back of the car
    was that I'm English and reasonably proud of it, so why not display my
    national flag?

    [1] With no football references on it at all[2]. Just a proper George
    [2] Was tempted to write "**** Football" across the bottom of it
    Ben, May 27, 2004
  9. Dave Eades

    porl Guest

    Why not indeed. I'm just wondering what there is to be proud of. Not on a
    personal level, but a national one.
    porl, May 27, 2004
  10. Dave Eades

    Champ Guest

    There are a number of traits that one might say are part of the
    Engloish national character which one could be proud of.
    Unfortunately, there's also a number to be ashamed of.

    I think the same applies to most countries, hence my complete failure
    to understand patriotism. I'm sure we can save a long thread by
    reference to google groups.
    Champ, May 27, 2004
  11. Dave Eades

    Ben Guest

    Indeed. But if you give into those things to be ashamed of, you let
    them win and then the only thing your country is know for is those
    things rather than the good things.
    Ben, May 27, 2004
  12. Dave Eades

    porl Guest

    That's probably the most wholesome attitude to have. but I can't help
    thinking that

    [1] if there are positive things about our country then surely it is
    relation to other countries that compare badly in those respects- or at
    least differently- and therefore an us-and-them scenario is instantly setup.
    I'd be more proud in a world's ability to overcome their differences and
    embrace its gestalt potential (rest of monologue drowned out by Elgar)

    [2] I would like to present the stereotype that 99.49% of the country that
    consider themselves patriotic do **** all to contribute to it in any way
    other than paying taxes and buying a small flag and therefore are really
    just parasitic hypocrites. (This does not refer to Ben as he is young, naive
    and much bigger than me)
    porl, May 27, 2004
  13. Dave Eades

    darsy Guest

    whatever - "wogs begin at Calais".
    darsy, May 28, 2004
  14. Dave Eades

    Ace Guest

    and continue Northwards...
    Ace, May 28, 2004
  15. Dave Eades

    sweller Guest

    Can you explain this? I'm not being thick deliberately.
    sweller, May 28, 2004
  16. Dave Eades

    darsy Guest

    in many parts of Northern Ireland (and some parts of the Republic,
    near the border), the kerb stones will be painted alternating
    red/white/blue or green/white/orange depending on the
    politico-religious affiliation of the local residents.

    Also, on the ends of terraces you'll get painted murals which will
    reveal the same information.
    darsy, May 28, 2004
  17. For visitors though, surely not talking about politics
    at all is presumably the safest way, yes? Or are you likely
    to be asked who you support before being served a pint/pastie?
    William Grainger, May 28, 2004
  18. Dave Eades

    darsy Guest

    I don't really know what it's like now. But it used to be that if you
    had short hair and an English accent, there were a large number of
    pubs where you would be strongly advised not to even go into in the
    first place, never mind try and get served.
    darsy, May 28, 2004
  19. Dave Eades

    sweller Guest

    The new extreme sport, changing the colours of the kerb stones.
    I knew about these, didn't realise they did the pavements as well.
    sweller, May 28, 2004
  20. Dave Eades

    darsy Guest

    less skill required to do the pavements, y'see.
    darsy, May 28, 2004
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